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Ruby isn't in her cot when I wake up. I had rolled instinctively to check on her, but was disappointed when I had found it empty.

I can see a slither of sun through the curtains. I hope I haven't over slept. I'm over sleeping. Wasting away in bed. It wasn't doing me or Ruby any good.

I push the covers off, and pull on proper clothes. I don't bother showering. As long as I can get dressed as a normal functioning adult it's a win for me today.

I'm attempting to pull jeans on when I hear Ashton's voice travel down the hall, with a quick snip of my name being heard. I stop and walk over to the door, pressing my ear against it to try and hear.

I strain my ears to hear the talk travel down the hall.

I hear Luke's voice. I wonder if he stayed the night. I hope not. I hate the thought of a pregnant Sophie being left alone. I hear another voice, not Ashton or Luke's. I can't quite make it out, though it seems familiar.

I pull the door open slowly, trying to peer down the hall, finding the unknown voice.

However, I misjudge the angle of the door, and fall straight through, stumbling slightly until finally landing against the opposite wall. Sneaky, Lily.

"Lily?" Ashton's uncertain voice carries up to me.

I cringe inwardly. "Yeah, sorry, slipped a little." I call back, walking up the hall to the living room.

I turn the corner to the living room, and an greeted with the two very somber faces of Luke and Ashton.

Ashton doesn't look at me, but looks down to his right.

I frown, and suddenly spot a woman wedged in between the two boys. Her hair covers her face, as she looks down at her nails.

"Mali?" I ask, bewildered.

Mali looks up slightly, her eyes not meeting mine. Her eyes are bloodshot and her cheeks are tear stained.

I look to Ashton, searching for answers.

Ashton finally looks to me. "Calum's gone."

My head spins. "Gone?" I frown. This doesn't make sense.

"I went over to see him this morning and he wasn't there." Mali says, her voice shaking. "I don't know what's happened to him."

The tears and the tortured look on her face finally make sense.

"We need to call the police." I say, moving towards my phone.

"No." Mali says firmly.

I look up to her in surprise.

"Look I don't know why Calum's gone. But I know he got caught up in some stuff after Michael.." Her voice trails off and she looks away from me, almost afraid to say it in front of me.

"What kind of stuff?" Luke asks from Mali's side.

Mali looks cautiously from Ashton to me. "He got on the wrong side of some people. Didn't give people money when it was due. That sort of thing." She shrugs. "He said he had it under control."

I remember how Calum had being the day earlier. "He wasn't under control at all." I breathe.

"I know." Mali sobs. "I know, I should of done more."

Luke instinctively wraps his arm around Mali. "It's not your fault." He says quietly to her. "He knew what he was doing."

Mali just sobs, not able to mutter words right now.

"So where do we look?" Ashton asks.

I feel a well of pride. Even after everything, Ashton would search for Calum. Of course he would. No matter what, they were still brothers.

"We have to find out who Calum was pissing off." I say, looking to Ashton, who gives me a nod.

Ashton kneels down in front of Mali.

"Mali?" He asks softly.

I hear Mali whimper behind her hair and hand.

"I know it's hard, but you need to tell us anything you know."

Mali brings her head up slowly, looking up to Ash. She bites her lip.

"It's ok." Luke reassures her.

"There was this one place Calum had being spending a lot of time at." She admits.

"Do you know who it was?" I ask.

Mali shakes her head.

"Do you know how to get there?" Ashton asks.

Mali hesitates, before nodding her head.

Ashton and Luke look to me.

I nod. "I'm not taking Ruby though." I say firmly, looking to my baby resting in Luke's lap.

"I'll take her to Sophie. She'll understand." Luke murmurs.

"We'll text you the address then." Ashton says, standing up. He reaches his hand out to Mali to help her up. "And you can show us the way."

Mali looks between Ashton and I, before taking Ashton's hand slowly. "Thank you." She says softly to Ash.

Ash barely nods, a grim look on his face. I can't help but watch in awe as he get's everything together. He seems to become the leader of this search mission. It seems unbelievable that less than 12 hours ago Calum had seem like the enemy.

I say goodbye to Ruby, and watch Luke drive away from us. Mali sits in the front seat of the car, directing Ashton where to go.

I sit in the back, wondering what we're going to find at the end of this. I hope Calum hasn't done anything he will regret. But then, if I know Calum like I do..

"We're here." Mali calls out softly from the front.

I look up. The place isn't what I expected. It's a really nice house in a classy suburban area. It doesn't look the drug den I had been expecting.

"I don't think we should go in until Luke's here." I say quietly.

Ashton nods in agreement.

We wait in what feels like a stony silence. I don't know what to say to Mali to comfort her. I don't know what we're going to find past that front door. And I don't know if she's going to like it.

Finally, Luke pulls up behind us.

We all seem to rush out of the car, Ashton by my side and Luke and Mali leading the way.

We walk cautiously up to the front door, all of our eyes darting across the lawn, as if we are expecting booby traps laid for us.

However, we manage to get to the door, unharmed and with nothing more than a dog barking down the road.

Luke looks behind to us, and Ashton and I nod together.

Mali looks like she might be sick, but nods too.

Luke leans over slightly and rings the doorbell.

A cluster of noise is heard inside immediatley. My own stomach twists in a knot and I start panicking.

Before I can turn and run away, the door swings open and I'm almost 100% sure I will be sick.

A teenage girl stands at the doorway, her dress flowing to her knees, her brown hair flowing easily down her back.

I hear Ashton exhale sharply, his breath raspy. I turn to look at him, his eyes wide in disbelief.

The girl sways on the doorstep, a smirk upon her face as she peers upon all of us. Her eyes rest on Ashton, her smile broadening. "Hello, big brother."


I went m.i.a for a while but I'm baackkkk :)

This story is so close to finishing it's actually ridiculous :(

Love you all! x

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