twelve - late night talks

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I wake up to the sound of knocking. Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is the bright red clock.

2:36 AM

What the hell is going on?

I realize the knocking is coming from the door to mine and Adrian's bathroom, connecting our rooms. I quickly get up and open the door.

"Hey," Adrian whispers. "Did I wake you?"

I pause, wondering why he's standing outside my door this late at night. "No," I lie. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you."

I move aside to let him in. He lingers by the door for a moment before strolling over to my bed and sitting down. I open my front door to make sure Mom and Dad's door is still closed. Then, I join him on the bed.

We both lay down, staring at the roof, with a few inches in between us, not saying anything. I feel his hand intertwine with mine in between our legs.

"Jade," he whispers softly after a few minutes.


"I like you."

I suck in a breath. I can feel my face getting hot. "I like you too."

"I wish things were different."


He doesn't respond. Instead, he turns into his side to face me. I turn to look at him. He leans forward and kisses me. His hands tangle up in my hair and his tongue slips into my mouth. I kiss him back for a moment, before he pulls away. I'm left with wanting more.


"I- It's okay," I manage to say. I really wish he didn't pull away like that.

He sighs and falls back, laying down on my bed. "Why is everything so complicated?"

I watch his chest rise up and down as he stares at the ceiling. "What do you mean?"

He closes his eyes and then opens them again. "Life."

I frown and lay back down besides him. "I don't know."

"I don't like it." There's a pause. "My grandma called me."

I shoot up. "What?" I didn't even know he had a grandma.

He lets out a breath. "Last night. I thought she was dead. Guess not."

"Have you ever met her?"

He shakes his head. "My mom talked about her a few times though. She lives in Greenwich in Connecticut. My grandma kicked her out when she was sixteen because she snuck out one night and went to some club. She found out she was pregnant with me a few weeks later."

I sit there, not knowing what to say. "Do you want to go see her?"

Now, it's Adrian's turn to pause. "Yeah."

"I'll go with you," I offer.


I can feel his thumb rubbing circles against my hand. "Whenever you want."

He shifts a little closer. "This weekend?"

I move closer too. "Okay."

"I'll tell your parents tomorrow," Adrian says. "Don't tell Carter yet. He gets attached to people too easily, and I don't want to get his hopes up in case she. . . doesn't want to see us again."

"I'm sure she'll love you," I comfort.

He lets out a breath, tilting his head towards me. "Thank you. For everything. I haven't said that to you yet."

Neither of us talk for the next few minutes. We sit in comfortable silence, our hands still intertwined, and the sides of our bodies pressed together. The only noise is the honking of cars outside on the street. Then, I speak.

"How many girls have you been with?"

Adrian lets out an unexpected laugh. "Why?"

I flush. "Just wondering."

He tilts his head towards me. "I don't keep count, Jade."

I frown. It makes me feel a little jealous that he's had a high enough number to lose track. Jealous that all those girls got to be with him, meanwhile he won't go further than even kissing me before pulling away.

"None of them were like you," Adrian says.

I raise my eyebrows. "What?"

He lets go of my hand and props himself up on an elbow to look at me. "I didn't have any feelings for any of them. At least not in this type of way."

I can't help but smile. "What is this type of way?"

He gives me an amused look before falling back. "I'm not sure."

I move forward and, without thinking, I swing my leg over his lap. He looks up at me with surprise in his eyes. Leaning down, I whisper against his lips, "Let's find out."

He immediately pulls my lips down to his by my neck, kissing me. This time, it's different than the last few times. More passionate and hungry. His tongue dances against mine, flowing into my mouth. His hands travel all over my body, from my face to my waist, to my legs. I move my hips against his.

"Fuck, Jade" he whispers against my skin. His heavy breathing in my ear is making me feel some type of way. Then, he flips me over so he's on top of me. His lips suck on the skin behind my ear, then my neck, down to my collarbone.

"What about you?" He mumbles.

"What about me?" I breathe, my mind foggy.

He softly bites down on my earlobe and tugs. "How many guys have you been with?" His hand trails up my stomach. "How many guys have touched you like this?"

I fight off the goosebumps. "None."

"So unfortunate for them."

His teeth nip on the skin at the base of my throat and I let out a quiet moan, and he pulls his head away. He looks down at me for a second and then moves off of me.

I sit up, flushing and disappointed. "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Pulling away every time it gets exciting."

He gives me a sad smile and leans forward until his forehead is against mine. "Because no matter how much I wish this could work, I know it won't. I should stay away from you, but I'm selfish. I can't."

"Why won't it work? It could."

A hand moves hair out of my face. "I fuck everything up."

"That's not true," I argue, moving away.

"You don't know me that well, Jade."

"Then let me know you!"

We both stare into each other's eyes. Then, he moves back and lifts up his shirt. He discards it on the bed next to him. I look down at his body. Wow. This is the most I've ever seen of him. His stomach is perfectly carved with abs, and his arms are the perfect size. However, that's not what catches my attention.

On the bottom side of his torso, there's a red area, along with a scar running down a few inches. I close my mouth, which I hadn't even realized was hanging open.

"That's where you got shot," I finally say.

It's not a question, but Adrian still nods. "Still want to know me?"

I nod in response. "Definitely."

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