seventeen - jumped

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"I doubt that they'd fight at a restaurant, so it's definitely not The Trail Diner," Tyler says, reading off his phone as we're sitting on the train to the Bronx. "The only other trail I can find is near Bruckner Highway."

I try to think of the streets by Asia's apartment complex. "I think Bruckner is a few minutes away from where Adrian used to live. That makes sense."

The train slows down as Tyler puts his phone away. "Well, even if it doesn't, we're right outside it, so we have to check there anyways."

"I'm scared," I admit quietly, running my shaking hands through my hair to try and calm them. "I knew he always does crazy shit, but this is a whole other level. God, he could go to jail."

"We don't have to do this," he says softly as he gives me a sideways hug. "We can text your parents the address and have them look."

I look up at the little clock. 10:12. They would be there by now. "No, it's fine. Come on."

The air outside of the subway whips against us cooly. There's lights and people caroling for Christmas everywhere. It would be nice to hear the songs and see all the happy people if they weren't in the way.

Tyler looks at the directions on his phone. "It should be right over there. It says it's only a two minute walk."

He leads us off to the side, towards a quieter area. There's no streetlights or buildings, just a dirt path. Cars drive past quickly and I can hear the sounds of the subway and people talking.

"I think this is it," I say quietly. I try to adjust my eyes to the dark. "I don't see anyone-"

I almost jump when I hear a bunch of men talking and yelling. Tyler looks down at me before walking forward. I follow behind closely, almost grabbing onto his jacket.

Under the next streetlight, there's a group of about five tall, muscular guys all in a circle, kicking and punching something curled up on the floor. Or, actually, someone. I recognize the mess of dark hair and his green sweatshirt even under the clump of bodies.

"Stop," I scream out, without thinking.

Tyler immediately steps in front of me, and all the men stop beating on Adrian's body for a few seconds to look at me.

"What the fuck?" One of them says.

The tallest one steps out of the circle, breathing heavily and wiping a streak of blood off his lower lip. "Who are you?"

"Aye, she's kinda fine," I hear someone say.

I gasp and grab Tyler's arm, paranoid. Adrian moves on the floor, reaching up and grabbing some guy's leg- or actually, trying to grab it- with one arm.

"Don't. . . fucking. . . touch her," he pants, spitting blood out of his mouth onto the floor. "I'll . . . kill you."

I freeze for a second. I feel like throwing up when the guy turns around and kicks him straight in the stomach, causing Adrian to groan loudly and roll over, clutching his stomach.

The tallest man mumbles something to the rest of the group. They all wait a moment, staring us down, before turning and walking off to the truck to the side.

"Hope you learned your lesson," he snaps down at Adrian, rolling him over with his foot.

"Fuck you," Adrian spits out, causing more blood to leak onto the floor. "Is that. . . all you got? I'm still alive!"

I almost scream again. Is he serious? Does he want to be beat to death? "Please stop!" I yell, not sure if I'm talking to Adrian or the scary man. "Please."

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