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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. There are a couple characters of my own creation that I threw in there, but otherwise they belong to South Park. I only own the shitty writing :  )
The cover also belongs to me (the signature is my alternate user )


Firstly, I'm new to Wattpad and so I'm still getting used to the layout and how it works. I apologise for any errors.

(warnings edited on 5/9/2020) Secondly and most importantly, this is to be read at the reader's own discretion. This story contains mature/sensitive topics such as self harm, depressive elements, homosexual relationships (warning for da snowflakes), minor gore, and suggestive content (no smut). This story also contains heavy swearing, but I'm willing to bet any fan of South Park isn't too offended by cussing. I recommend being 13+ to read this, but if you think you can handle it then be my guest- I'm not your dad.

But anyway, thank you for choosing to read The Call! I'll try and update as much as possible, but in the meantime I really appreciate your comments and votes!

Ps: []'s with a number in them just means footnote. You can find them at the bottom of the chapter :).

update june 3, 2021:

Hey guys! I'm so happy to announce that my new story, Athazagoraphobia, is out!!! I'm so proud of it, and if you liked this story, you may like it too! I appreciate the support so much, and while I'm no longer apart of the South Park fandom, the community I've gotten on this story has been so sweet. Thank you guys so much!

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