Chapter Two - Merveille

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Craig watched as the door to his first-period classroom creaked as it flew open. He ambled nonchalantly past the teacher and to his desk, slumping into it.

Craig's first class was math. It was taught by a cranky, ancient man called Mr. Clark, who was currently crossing his arms. The old teacher narrowed his eyes and tapped his finger on his arm. 'You are late, Mr Tucker,' he remarked.
'I am fully aware, Mr. Clark,' Craig retorted. Mr. Clark grumbled a couple of incoherent words before turning back to the board. 'Just get your homework out and see if you can amuse it with your lovely sarcasm.' he muttered impatiently.

Craig whirled his head around as he felt something poke his back. 'Craig?'
He glanced back to see a brunette boy in a letterman jacket glaring at him through squinted eyes. 'What the fuck do you want Clyde?' Craig hissed.
'Where were you?' he whispered.
The jet black-haired teen rolled his eyes and held up his hand, displaying the middle finger for Clyde to observe.
Mr. Clark hushed the two boys and returned to reviewing his lesson while Craig watched phlegmatically from his desk.

The boy was currently attending his last and final year of high school. Despite how indifferent he felt towards school, Craig had decided long ago that he wanted to attend a university and receive at least a Bachelor's degree in Astrophysics. He didn't know what job in particular he desired, but he did want more than anything to work for NASA.

Craig was reeled back to the present when a rapid tapping came from the door.
Mr. Clark heaved an exasperated sigh and hung his head. 'Come on in,' He turned to greet the newcomer. 'What is it?' he inquired, voice dripping with irritation.

Craig peered up from where he had been drawing dicks on his desk to get a first glance at the visitor. He felt his jaw drop as he stared in bewilderment; he couldn't believe his eyes! Before the class stood none other than his old friend, Tweek Tweak.

Tweek Tweak was a coffee addicted, seventeen-year-old spaz. Craig used to be good friends with him back in Primary School, but the Tweak family moved to Denver about a year after the whole "being gay" incident. Neither of them was actually gay [1], of course.

Tweek had scruffy, sand-blond hair that probably couldn't have even been tamed with super glue. His face was pale and was dusted with hundreds of freckles and had a rosy nose. He sported a plain green button-down shirt, although his spastic shaking must have caused him to miss a couple of buttons. Tweek had coffee-stained jeans on, followed by untied hiking boots.
He was also noticeably short, standing at what Craig surmised to be at about 5'4". While Craig had always been taller than everyone else and currently stood at roughly 6'1", he suspected the poor kid had probably stopped growing by the 9th grade.

'GAH! I-I'm sorry, man! I just moved b-back here and- AGH- they told me this was my first period!' Tweek anxiously clarified, tugging at the buttons on his shirt. Evidently enough, his old companion had not changed too awfully much.
Mr. Clark's brows knitted together in confusion. Instead of questioning Tweek further, he simply waved a hand towards the rows of desks. 'Just take a seat, Tweek,' he sighed, holding the bridge of his nose. 'You can get your notes for today from your neighbour.' he instructed and returned to teaching.

The blond stood awkwardly for a moment before catching Craig's gaze. Delighted by a familiar face, Tweek slid into the desk next to him and gave a happy little wave.
Craig gave an amused nod of acknowledgement before redirecting his attention back to the teacher.

Before class had ended, Token Black, one of Craig's friends and star student of the class, had allowed Tweek to scribble down all of the notes.
Considering he was already sitting beside him, Craig would have lent him his notes, only Craig was missing the majority of them as well.

As the hysterical teenager wrote down the final words for his notes, the bell rang. 'GAH!' he yelped and shoved Token's notebook back into his arms. 'Thanks, sorry!' he told him as he snatched his book bag and bolted for his next class.
Token clasped his own book bag and slung it onto his back before he followed behind Clyde out the door.

Craig rose from his desk to depart to his next lecture when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He gyrated around to face Mr. Clark, who was peering at him with a cross look. 'One more tardy and I'll give you detention for a week, Mr Tucker.' he snapped. Craig subtly flipped him off before turning on his heels and exiting the classroom.

Craig flumped down into his assigned desk in his second-period class. He felt disappointment settle in his gut as he noticed that Tweek was not in this class.
He was curious what the other boy was like now and he wanted to catch up--they used to be best friends, after all. Their closeness as children was probably a leading component to why people thought that they were a couple. But he never actually like-liked his friend, did he?

Craig shook his head to clear his rapidly accumulating thoughts; he would just catch Tweek at lunch and they could catch up then.


[1] He told himself, like a liar.

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