Chapter Twelve - Avouer

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A/N: aHH thank you guys so much for 25 votes and 500 views! I don't know how but this ranks #15 on Creek and I'm so happy that you guys are liking this! I've been working really hard on this and it means a lot!

Additional Warnings: blood, self-harm

The gentle wind susurrated against the window while a snow flurry drifted through the frigid Colorado air. Craig phlegmatically watched a few snowflakes buffet against the glass while he held his unconscious friend in his arms.

The dwelling remained placid and silent, except for the rustle of the winter gales. He leaned into the hallway wall and frivolously ran a hand through Tweek's blond locks.

Craig hastily retracted his hand as the other boy began to stir. Lifting his eyelids, the blond winced as he gradually regained consciousness. 'Gh...wh-what?' he slurred before peering around lethargically and shifting away.

'You passed out about 30 minutes ago or something. I couldn't find you at the coffee shop, so I came here to look.' he elucidated.
A solemn expression fell upon Tweek's countenance. 'Why?' he inquired inaudibly.

'I suppose from the pain,' Craig responded, pursing his lips slightly. The other boy tugged lightly at the bottom of his own shirt. 'No, not that,' he urged before wincing again from the throbbing pain in his nasal cavity.

Clumps of blood were stained below his nostrils. 'What I mean is why did you come looking for me, even if I was a jerk?' he asked, his brows knitting together in perplexity. 'Why do you even still want to- agh- talk to me?'

Tapping the floorboard lightly with a finger, the darker-haired boy hesitantly grinned. 'What kind of question is that?' he scoffed softly. 'You were under a lot of stress. It's not like I was going to stop being worried just because of that.'

Tweek gazed ruefully at his hands. 'I-I'm sorry,' he croaked.
'Don't be. Anyway, we should get you cleaned up,' Craig said, gently patting the other boy's shoulder reassuringly.

The floor creaked softly as he assisted his friend in getting to his feet. He shifted to allow the blond to lean against him for support as they walked.
Flicking the bathroom light on, Craig glanced to Tweek. 'Where are your rags and rubbing alcohol?' he asked.

Lifting a finger, the other boy pointed to a cabinet below the sink. The taller boy lowered himself to open it and rummage around.

Tweek limped beside his friend to face himself in the mirror. He tentatively held a quivering hand to his face. 'Oh God, I think my nose is broken,' he rasped.

A bottle of isopropyl alcohol and a white rag was placed on the counter. Craig veered around to face the blond again after applying the liquid to the cloth.

'This might sting a little,' he mumbled, holding Tweek's head up with one hand and dabbing at the blood with the other. 'Agh- it smells awful,' the smaller boy muttered.

Knitting his brows together, Craig grinned. 'That's because there's rubbing alcohol right under your nose, dude.' Tweek huffed softly and rolled his eyes.

The white rag morphed into a shade of scarlet as it collected the blood that was caked below his nostrils. 'What were you even doing before I got here?' Craig inquired.

Tweek shifted apprehensively. 'What do you mean?' He narrowed his eyebrows.
'You had a packed bag with you when I found you,' the raven-haired teenager elaborated.

Digging his nails into his palm, the blond peered away. 'Er--I was going to- AGH- leave,' he murmured. Craig paused his hand motions for a heartbeat. 'What? Why?'

Tweek gripped at his shirt in perturbation.
'I guess I sort of figured that it was that or...  erm, killing myself,' He lowered his tone to an inaudible whisper.

With a lugubrious frown, Craig stared pensively at his friend with round eyes. His cerulean gaze flickered across the other boy's pale face. 'Do you... still feel that way?' he inquired quietly.

'I-I don't really know. It's just all too much- ACK-pressure! It feels like my life if falling apart and there's nothing I can do about it.' he divulged with a quivering voice as tears began to swell in his virescent eyes. 'and through all this, it just feels like everyone has forgotten that I exist. It isn't as if anyone likes or ever will like me. I just-- I-I don't, man. I just feel so alone,'

Craig blinked and scoffed. ''No one likes you'? What's that supposed to mean? I'm here, aren't I?'

Tweek peered at his hands and grinned ruefully. 'Yeah, I know, but that's not what I mean. I mean nobody will ever like like me,' he elucidated. 'I don't even know how I have a friend that can stand me, let alone someone out there who likes me like that.' he whispered before wincing at the pain that continued to throb in his nose.

'Yeah there is, Tweek,' the darker-haired boy urged. The blond knitted his brows together and frowned dubiously. 'Really? Have you not- GAH- looked at me? Who could like a pathetic spaz like me?' he scoffed softly, fumbling apprehensively with a button on this shirt.

Craig gazed at him for a heartbeat. 'I don't know, me?' he whispered, staring desperately.
Fuck. Great going, Craig; absolutely brilliant of you!

Silence hung in the air as the other boy's breath hitched. 'You don't need to say that out of pity.' he mumbled, staring despondently to the ground.

'I'm not.' he impetuously replied in an equanimous tone. Tweek gazed at him with round, dumbfounded eyes. 'You aren't?' he whispered.

Feeling his face heat up, Craig's eyes shifted down to avoid the blond's gaze. 'I doubt that you feel the same, though. Either way, just keep in mind that there is someone who cares a lot about you. I promise you that you're not alone.'

Tweek's pale face grew flushed as he reached to grip his hair. 'Wait, n-no, I like you too, Craig,' he hastily squeaked. 'Honestly, I think I have since Elementary School,'

The dark-haired boy grinned. 'Yeah, I think I have too,' he snorted. Tweek gave a lighthearted giggle and gazed up to him.

'Thank you, Craig. I don't know why you like me, but thanks.' he whispered, leaning in to press his lips softly against Craig's cheek.

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