Chapter Five - Odyssey

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Craig sensed his heartbeat hasten as he approached the designated rendezvous.
No, bad! Stop that! he thought, glowering at himself.

The blond teen was already there, fiddling with his phone and twitching. Tweek gazed up from his mobile device, his green eyes widening. 'AGH- You came!' he chirped blissfully, making way for a grin.

As Craig came to stand beside his friend, he raised a brow. 'What, did you think I wouldn't?' he snorted.
Tweek peered down at his shoes and began to shake, noticeably discomfited. 'I'm- GAH- sorry, I just tend to assume bad things, I didn't mean to imply that you weren't trustworthy or- ACK- anything,' he maundered apprehensively, tugging at his pale locks of hair.

The blond winced as Craig rested his hand on his shoulder. 'Dude, relax.' he reassured him.
'It's fine, Tweek.' He gave him a quick pat before pulling his hand away.

Tweek composed himself before adjusting his bookbag straps. 'If you say so, man,' he mumbled, canting his head to the side.

The raven-haired boy chuckled softly and ambled past the other teen. Tweek turned on his heels to follow after his friend.

They perambulated abreast along the sidewalk, Craig occasionally casting swift glances at Tweek. He appeared perturbed by the silence between them, so Craig fought to come up with some sort of dialogue.

'So, er, how's your first day back at South Park been?' he inquired. Tweek gazed upwards in introspection. 'Weird,' he admitted after a pause.

Craig snickered. 'Weird how? Weird as in the South Park normal?' he asked, raising a brow. Tweek giggled for a heartbeat, which was probably enough for Craig's to skip a beat.

The blond furrowed his brows as he fidgeted with the buttons of his shirt. 'No, I don't think so,' he began, twitching and wriggling nervously.
'What do you mean, then?' Craig urged him on.
'GAH- I don't know, it's just that I feel out of place or- AGH- something.' he mumbled.

Just as Craig opened his mouth to dispute, his own house came into view. He gazed back at Tweek, who shifted uneasily. 'AGH- Just forget about it! GAH! Too much pressure!' he yawped.

Craig narrowed his eyes as he noticed the automobile in the driveway. 'I won't drop it. But right now, I guess I'll be needing to convince my mom to let me hang out with you.' he told him before darting towards the doorway.

'You didn't message her beforehand?!' Tweek inquired unnervingly. Craig gave an offhanded shrug. 'No, I didn't think she'd be home by now,' he mumbled as he ferreted through his pockets for his house keys.

Craig unlocked the front door and peeped his head surreptitiously inside. He winced as he heard this mother call out his name. 'Craig? Is that you?' she shouted from the kitchen.

'Yeah, it's me,' The black-haired teen slid off his shoes and kicked them towards the wall.

Craig led his companion to the kitchen. 'Can I hang out with Tweek for a while, please?' he impetrated, waving a hand towards the other boy.

Mrs Tucker turned to greet her son and company. 'Tweek Tweak? I thought your family moved to Denver.' She observed the blond, slightly flummoxed to see the boy after so many years.

Tweek gripped his arm apprehensively. 'Yes, but we decided to, er, move back here,' he explained.
'You've grown a lot. How's your mom?' Craig's mother inquired.
'She's doing well.' Tweek assured her.

Craig's gaze flickered back and forth between the two. Finally, his eyes rested on his mother.
'So, can Tweek stay for a bit?' he asked optimistically.

Mrs Tucker pursed her lip. 'Only if you go and drive [1] Trisha to her little friend Karen's house to spend the night. She's been begging to go and you were an ass this morning, so if you want Tweek to stay over then you need to go do that for me.' she negotiated.

'Fine.' he growled quietly. 'She's up in her room,' Mrs Tucker tossed her son her own car keys.

Taking a few paces forward, Craig gracefully caught the keys in his hands and veered around to face Tweek. 'I'll be right back.' he apprised him.

Craig raced up the stairs and gave his sister's bedroom door a heavy knock. 'Come in,' he heard the girl call, tone dripping with pique.

He opened the door charily. His sister was relaxed on her bed, headphones positioned over her head as she played with her phone.

Tricia's room was painted purple and many posters hang from its walls. Tricia, herself, was about thirteen years old. She had strawberry blond hair that was kept up in two neat pigtails, which she was currently brushing back loose strands of.

'What do you want, dick boy?' she sneered. Craig raised his hand, middle finger predominantly displayed. He slung the keys around with his other hand. 'Dick boy here is telling you to get your ass downstairs if you want to go to Karen's.' he retorted.

'Really?' Tricia pulled off her headphones and sprung off of her bed. 'Thanks,' she said, slipping past him in the doorway.

Craig trailed behind his younger sister down the staircase. She paused for a moment and leaned against the handrail, noticing Tweek and their mother conversing.

'My friend will be coming with us,' he explained, sliding past her.

Tricia lifted herself to stand upright. 'You have friends?' She blinked at her brother.
Craig grumbled inaudible curses as he approached the other boy.

'Come on, Tweekers,' he urged, waving his hand. 'It shouldn't take too long.'

Tricia was already out the door as Tweek scrambled after Craig. 'Tweekers?!' he questioned. The raven-haired boy shrugged and gave a light-hearted chuckle.

While Tricia climbed into the backseat of Mrs Tucker's Honda from 2010, Craig slipped into the driver's seat. As Tweek situated himself in the passenger seat, the other boy turned the ignition.

Silence hung in the air for the bulk of the car ride until Tricia glanced up from her phone. 'So...' she began, raising a brow. 'You two fucked yet?' the young girl inquired.

'Shut the fuck up, Tricia.' Craig snapped.


[1] I want to briefly clarify that when I previously mentioned in the first chapter that Craig didn't drive, I meant that he just doesn't have a car to drive. He has a license and can drive if someone lends him a car. Tweek is the only one so far that cannot legally drive.

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