(Final?) Update

2.2K 61 13

Hi, guys! I know it has been months since I have updated this, and I apologise. However, I am so sorry to announce that I do not think I will be finishing the story. This blew up better than I ever would have thought it would and I am genuinely astonished. I was surprised about getting 100+ views on this, and here we are at 3k+! Not to mention you guys have seriously voted for this 200+ times! Seriously, WOW.
I would absolutely love to finish this, but honestly, it isn't entirely possible for me at the moment. On top of art block, I'm honestly slowly losing interest in the fandom. I still enjoy the show, of course, but I have been finding it difficult to write and draw for the fandom.
I'm really happy I managed to avoid any plot twists, but the remaining chapters were simply going to be wrapping everything up. If I ever get the chance and inspiration, I will endeavour to conclude it. I apologise to those who were enjoying the story. I'm so glad that so many people enjoyed it; it really means so much!

P.S. If anyone ever needs a beta reader/someone to grammar-check your work, private message me! I'm absolutely happy to do so for free! I also hope everyone is doing good well in this quarantine. Please remember to wash your hands, stay home, and be smart! We'll get through this, guys.

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