Chapter Seven - Empyrean

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A/N: I'm really glad that people are reading this and voting for it! I'm having a lot of fun writing it, so even if it isn't many people, I'm glad you guys seem to like it. I also want to say that I will probably be unable to upload chapters as regularly as I have been due to being utterly swamped. I'm incredibly busy with school right now as well as working on a big animation project. I'll make sure to post chapters at LEAST twice a week.

A zephyr lapped gently through the air, ruffling Tweek's dirty-blond hair. Craig watched as his friend shivered after taking another hesitant gander at the ground below them.

'Stop looking down,' he commanded, tugging at Tweek's hand and knitting his brows together in solicitude. The other boy whimpered as he suppressed the disquietude.

Craig pulled himself to stand on a level area of the roof. Tweek followed suit and balanced himself uneasily. The two boys stood idly for a moment before taking notice that they were still holding each other's hands.
They mutually pulled away and Craig peered awkwardly at his shoes.

Tweek was still watching the ground with perturbation. 'I don't, er, see why we couldn't have just looked from the ground,' he contested, digging his nails into his palm.

Craig lifted his head to face the expanse of the dusk sky. 'It's not the same,' he explained lucidly. He lifted his hand to point at the stars. 'Look,'

The other boy pointed his face upwards as instructed. Tweek's brilliant green gaze dilated as it met with the vast welkin above him.

Craig situated himself to lay on his back while stargazing. Tweek descried his movement and plopped down, crossing his legs.

Craig sighed deeply and put his hands behind his head. 'I'd be sooo happy if I could see this all from space.' he murmured longingly.

'It must be amazing to be a pilot,' the blond commented. Craig glanced at him and raised a brow. 'You would get to see this everyday, only you're above it all. It must be so peaceful. Also, planes are cool.' he explained further. 'I wish I could be pilot,' he added quietly after a heartbeat.

Craig canted his head to the side. 'What do you mean "I wish"?' he scoffed and grinned. Tweek shifted apprehensively. 'I couldn't do it, man! Too much pressure!' he muttered with trepidation.

The raven-haired boy leaned into his friend. 'You can do whatever you want to do, you know,' he remarked. Tweek pursed his lips as he scrutinised over the previous claim. 'Maybe,' he whispered softly.

Tweek released a tensive sigh and lowered himself on his back, beside the other boy. Craig peered at the blond from out of the corner of his eyes. His virescent eyes were enthralled with the twinkling of the stars above them. He felt his heart skip a beat as he studied his facial features.

Tweek glanced briefly at the staring boy, who abruptly diverted his gaze. Craig took a deep breath as the silence began to hang in the crisp air.

The silence was not necessarily out of awkward origin. Both boys remained taciturn as they stargazed, contemplating their own train of thought.

The two remained hushed as the pale moon ascended in the bespangled empyrean. After a few minutes, Craig spoke up. 'It's funny how you can take one look at the night sky and never want to look away,' he mumbled, resting his gloved hands on his stomach. The blond boy nodded mutely.

'It's sort of like...' he sought to find the appropriate description. 'A calling, sort of?' Tweek suggested.

Craig pursed his lips before the corners of his mouth curled into a grin. 'Yeah,' he murmured. 'It's like a calling. A call to the stars, I suppose,' he continued wistfully.

It had been a little after 21:00 hours when Tweek decided to head home. The blond gathered his school bag and made his way to the front door. Suddenly, he veered around and wrapped his arms around Craig in a heartfelt hug. 'Thank you for hanging out with me today, Craig. I didn't think anyone would be happy that I was back in South Park, so I really appreciate everything you've done.' Tweek whispered into his ear before pulling away.

Craig felt his face redden and heat up as the other boy waved goodbye before exited his home.
The wooden door shut quietly and Craig turned on his heels to trudge upstairs to his room.

The boy fell onto his bed and groaned into his pillow. He slipped off his blue chullo and tossed it carelessly to the wooden floor.

Craig brushed a hand through his recently revealed coal-coloured hair. He rolled onto his back to gaze at his ceiling, which was covered in old glow-in-the-dark stars from when he was a child.

Even in Elementary School before Tweek had moved, Craig never made much of an endeavour to get to know the coffee-addicted spaz.
Back then, everyone in his gang had their own best friend that they preferred out the friend group. Tweek was his best friend, just as Token was to Clyde or Jimmy was to Timmy.

Craig felt guilt churn in his stomach. Nobody had ever made the attempt to look past the blond's spastic behaviour, even Craig as his supposed best friend.

He rested his hands behind his head as he considered everything he had learned about Tweek. Behind the boy's twitchiness was a kind and passionate friend. He liked aeroplanes and cheesy jokes, and he found peace in the sky.

Craig rolled restlessly onto his side. He felt himself grinning as he acknowledged that he was one of the few people that the paranoid blond trusted. Craig had noticed that as the night progressed, Tweek gradually relaxed in his company.
Craig hung on his friend's last words before departing; it did not contain a single twitch or verbal tic. He felt his breath hitch as he continued to ponder.

Craig's blue eyes broadened as he came to an abrupt realisation.
'Fuck, I think I like him,' he breathed aloud, covering his face with his cold hands and knitting his brows together.

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