Chapter Fourteen - Périple

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Soft dawn light bled through the translucent curtains. The young, blond boy lay flat on his back, observing the gentle sway of a wooden model aeroplane that hung from the ceiling. His breathing remained shallow as he fiddled absentmindedly with a button on his pyjama shirt.

Tweek rolled onto his side and glimpsed briefly at the clock on the end table. It was nearing 6:30 AM, so it would be time to get ready for school soon. In his own opinion, the week had drug by slower than molasses. Some aspects of that were positive, considering the time he spent with Craig seemed to feel extended as well.

Nonetheless, it was finally Friday. On this particular Friday morning, snowflakes were beginning to visibly collect on his windowsill. Tweek clutched his blanket closer to his body and let out a soft sigh. A white cast had been applied to his nose, due to a fracture in his nasal bone. However, the contusions on his face were finally beginning to fade away.

Lifting the sheets up, he grudgingly pulled himself from the warmth of his bed. His head pounded for a moment and staggered he slightly as he brought himself to his feet.

Gathering his casual attire, Tweek donned his shirt and jeans. He languidly ran a comb through his dishevelled hair before shifting towards his desk and reaching for a bottle of his prescribed anxiety medications. Swallowing two of the pills, he grasped his book bag and traipsed down the stairs to brew a pot of coffee.

Normally, Tweek would simply walk to school. However, ever since the incident with Eric Cartman, Mrs Tweak had insisted on taking him to school herself.

Retrieving the car keys from her handbag, his mother veered around to face him. She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 'Ready to go?' she asked. 'GAH! Yeah,' He twitched, taking a sip of coffee from a thermos.

Mrs. Tweak led the way out of the door, her son trailing along behind. Their hot breath produced fog as it hit the cold, December air. Tweek climbed into the passenger seat and buckled himself in. He placed the coffee thermos between his legs and lackadaisically traced the lines of his palm with his finger.

'How are you feeling today?' the brunette woman inquired as the car engine turned over. Tweek brought his hands together and clasped them tightly. 'Agh-- Better, I guess.' he mumbled, his head twitching to the side.

His mother observed his spastic motions out of the corner of her eye. 'I know we run a coffee shop and all, but you should really cut back on the coffee, Son.' she commented candidly. The blond boy gave a disgruntled huff and peered away.

In the distant, the high school was beginning to come into view. Mrs Tweak pursed her lips and redirected her attention to the road.
'Good talk,' she muttered in a mildly acrimonious tone as she came to a halt in front of the school. Her son knitted his brows together and waved adieu as he departed.

Traipsing towards his locker, Tweek let out a phlegmatic yawn. He let out a sharp yelp as something grabbed his shoulder. 'Dude, chill, it's just me.' His head whipped around to face Craig, who was already leading him by the arm. The blond squinted and glowered at the other boy. 'Gah-- Don't do that! Where are you taking me?' he demanded.

Craig grinned and gazed ahead. 'Sorry,' he replied. 'Also, we're skipping.' Tweek opened his mouth and furrowed his brows crossly. 'Why? Where are we even going?' he grumbled.

With a nonchalant shrug, the raven-haired boy elbowed the blond. 'I want to show you something,' he explained opaquely. 'as for what that is...' He pulled away to face the other teenager and raise his brow. 'you'll just have to wait and see.'

Tweek squinted his virescent eyes and let out a defeated sigh and followed grudgingly after Craig. 'Ack--fine-ngh,' he muttered, trembling apprehensively.

Slipping out of the front doors to the school, the darker haired teenager ambled towards the sidewalk. He placed his hands in his jacket and stared idly at the pavement.

After a heartbeat of silence, he finally spoke up. 'So, what's your favourite colour?' he inquired phlegmatically.
Tweek squinted at the other boy. 'Ngh-- You didn't drag me--gh-- out of school just ask me my favourite colour, did you?' he muttered.

'No, it just helps pass the time until we get to where we're going,' he elucidated. 'Just answer the question.'
The blond teenager tugged at a button on his shirt. 'Erm, maybe green?' he responded timorously. 'Why do you ask, though?'
The darker-haired boy shrugged slightly. 'Just curious,' he replied.
Tweek gazed at him briefly before peering back down at the sidewalk. 'What about you?'
Craig held his hand up, motioning to his predominantly cerulean attire. 'Blue,' he snorted.

A/N: aH this has 40+ votes and 750 views!!! Thank you guys so much for reading this! It really does mean a lot! In case you were wondering, I plan on getting this to around 20 chapters in all, so it's not too far from being done. I have a hard time sticking to things and following through, but this has been a lot of fun to write! I'm so glad that so many people like this!

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