*12:12pm Friday*

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I furiously click my pen in hope to break my boredom. I only end up annoying the girl sitting beside me, who I don't know the first thing about. I honestly couldn't tell you her name. I peer over to try and find her name on her pencil case or exercise book but I have no luck at all.

I start to draw on my page with a few straight lines, and in what seems like only a few seconds, it turns into a small masterpiece on the bottom left hand corner of a page in my textbook.

Great, my teacher is gonna kill me for this...

The thought of getting out of this class is so real that it turns into a daydream and my mind wanders off into a little hideaway. I am only to be rudely interrupted by the teacher tapping his ruler on my desk twice in perfect rhythm.

"I can see you don't want to be here, but I am afraid, you have to be here, legally to be quite frank" He starts to ramble on.

Here we go again, another lecture...

He continues his speech on being here in school and learning for your benefit, then he starts on senior testing and university. He doesn't realise yet that he is boring the whole class to tears and I think they would rather be doing 'algebraic expressions' than listening to him. I don't know whether that's a good thing or not.

Raindrop trickle down the window, right next to where I am sitting, and dance around at the bottom of the windowsill. I hate it when it rains, but I can't do anything about it. I also hate when you have only a mere 20 minutes left of Maths class and you are counting down each individual, endless minute. Adding to that, the teacher is still going on about the importance of eduction...

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