12:32 Friday

43 6 0

The scratch of the chalk on the blackboard pieces my ears daily. It baffles me why he has to write his name every history lesson at the top of the board, Mr Jeff Tatum.

"Tell me some significant events from 1920's" he directs the class, spinning around to face our exhausted bodies.

A few girls start mumbling but we're hushed by the 'nerds' of the class. One guy raises his hand but doesn't say anything which throws his friends into a laughing fit. I can't stand class clowns, I want to just shoot them all, I mean who wouldn't.

"No one then... Okay." The teacher tuts in shame, expected shame I suspect.

I am in foundation classes as I am
not a bright student and I don't really have anymore friends. Most of them left me after some crappy rumours were spread, I also lost my close boyfriend, Alex, during that time. Although, like most things, I can't remember anything about him. I know of him because of people constantly mocking me about it. No surprise to me though, I don't remember anything.

"We have a few things that happened in our region, very significant things that have happened, and since we are focusing on things we are surrounded with, we are going to study something fb that has happened in our part of this magnificent country which is Sussex."

Well, this should be slightly more interesting than the usual boring topics; World War I and II, Australia's Involvement, Aboriginals of the World, etc...

"You will be assigned a particular incident or problem from the past and research its impact on today's society. After 3 weeks of researching, I assume that you will all be able to present your finding to the class in an interactive presentation." Mr Tatum continues.

"Am I clear?"

The whole class moans and groans about the thought of a presentation and nervous tinges electrocute the inside of my stomach.

I chew on the end of my pencil and wonder what the hell could have happened in our area. It's only a small town tucked away in a large country, I mean, nothing too dramatic couldn't have happened, right?

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