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Marinette and Luka had started dating in the 11th grade, I was relatively happy for them. I mean, there was no reason to be jealous right? I mean, sure, I kinda had a crush on Marinette. But that was normal, at least in my class, almost every guy in class had confessed their feelings to her. Of course though, she kept shooting them down. Saying her heart was already taken and didn't belong to them. She wasn't ever rude about it. Most of the time she was more upset then the ones who got rejected. You see, I was going to tell her that I liked her, I mean why not? Who knows if she likes me? But that year, the worst thing happened to me.


"Adrien, you and Ms. Rossi will be dating for the rest of the school year." Gabriel Agreste said with absolutely no emotion on his face.

"What?! But father-"

"No buts Adrien, she is the best choice for you. I don't need you going out and ruining your reputation with some poor girl. This is final."

I could do nothing but sigh as he walked away emotionless. There goes everything. Out the window. My confession to Marinette that I had planned for tomorrow.

The next day at school another contender for Marinette's heart had shown up. Of course I had Lila clinging to my arm all day. Marinette seemed distressed, she was just sitting at her desk head on the table. I tried to talk to her but Lila shut my mouth before I could say anything. For the rest of the day all she talked about was how I didn't need my friends anymore because I had her. This was  going to be a long year.

At lunch at the usual time, the next contender for Marinette's heart had shown up. He had blue streaked hair and wore a jagged stone shirt. I could tell already that I didn't like this guy. I had no doubt in my mind that Marinette was going to shoot him down. I sat and watched as the usual went down.

He walked up to Marinette and asked to speak with her in private. 

"Sure Luka." She said it with the sweetest smile on her face, though I could tell it was fake.

All I could see was them talking, if I was transformed into Chat Noir I'm sure I would've been able to hear them.

I suddenly saw her hug him. This was totally unexpected. My heart stared to pound in my chest. Was this really happening?! Was Marinette's heart saved for Luka?!

I got my answer soon enough, when she kissed his cheek. They walked back holding hands.

I guess in a way this was a good thing. Marinette probably would've shot me down anyways. She probably would've said that I'm just a friend.

I watched as the rest of the year Luka and Marinette's relationship grew, into what I had wanted with her. They were laughing and hold hands, and kissing, and-
Well, that was everything I had wanted. But here I was stuck, with Lila.

Soon something in their relationship had changed. At the end of the year, Luka had told Marinette that he loved her. Marinette however didn't respond the same. They worked it out through a number of arguments and then finally settled down.

Until one night Luka went out and got drunk at a party. The next day, he woke up in someone's bed. He had cheated on Marinette.

In one big argument, Luka said that is was a mistake and that he was still in love with her. She didn't buy it. She ended their relationship with three words and then walked away.

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