She's Feeling Kinda Dirty

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And he was in a
To be touching her
All I could do was search for the two drunken girls. I checked every bedroom, bathroom, living room, and even the kitchen. I made it to the dance floor and finally found them dancing in the group again. I tried to get ahold on them but it was two hard. I decided to watch them from the
sidelines, just to make sure they'd be fine.

After a while Chloe started to hit on me, so I went and told Marinette and Alya that I would be at the water fountain. I just hoped that they wouldn't do something they'd regret later.

I sat by the water fountain, silently hoping Marinette would join me.

Third person POV
Marinette and Alya continued their drunken dance until someone came and tapped Marinette's shoulder. Unfortunately Nino wasn't in the room to stop anything that was about to happen.

Alya drunkenly spun Marinette around to face the boy.

The same boy that had cheated on Marinette.

Luka looked straight at Marinette knowing that she absolutely would not say no to what she was about to ask.

"Marinette, would you like to dance?" He said with an all knowing smirk on his face.

Marinette couldn't really make out who it was standing in front of her, but how could she say no to an innocent dance? Surely Adrien wouldn't mind.

"Sur-I wouldloveto--"

What a perfect answer.

Marinette was dancing with her ex and she didn't even know it. Alya could've said something but her and Marinette had ditched her glasses somewhere in the yard after trying to burn some ants. Of course, it was dark and they couldn't actually burn anything. Alya and Marinette were basically blind.

She's feeling kinda
When she's dancing with

Marinette felt that something was wrong, she could feel that this was not right. She shouldn't be dancing with whatshisface. She was feeling kinda dirty when she's dancing with him. Marinette couldn't quite put a pin on what was wrong. Was it because it wasn't Adrien? Was it because she had probably rejected this guy sometime in the past? She didn't understand. She continued dancing, as she couldn't do anything else. He was slightly pinning her to a wall.

Marinette didn't notice how close they were getting until she could feel his breath on her neck. This she knew was not good. Being drunk, instead of saying something, she straight up pushed him away from her. Not that it really changed anything. Whoever she was dancing with was taller then Adrien. Marinette started to notice the hand that was slowly working her way around her waist.
Forgetting what she
Told me
By the
Water fountain
And she had forgotten all about what she had told Adrien at the water fountain.

The chapters are shorter then I would like.

Thanks for reading!

Tikki Spots On! 🐞 Plagg Claws Out! 🐾

~Unlucky Chat

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