And I'll Try to Fix It

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But my hand it will be
And I'll try to fix it

I stayed hidden in the bushes as Marinette walked away silently crying. I felt so horrible. Not because she broke up with me, but because of what it's done to her.

After a few weeks I noticed that Marinette came to the water fountain more frequently. She'd come every second or third day. That's when I came up with the plan.

I was going to fix the fountain. I'll grab some tools and find a tutorial on the internet about how to fix a fountain, because god knows I don't know how.

It took me a few days to get all of the materials and tools I would need, but eventually I got everything. Over the course of a week I managed to get all of the tools into the backyard. Marinette didn't seem to notice, she would just sit and draw by the fountain.

Finally I was ready to fix the fountain. Marinette had come yesterday so she would be back until tomorrow at her earliest.

I started to work as I removed the broken pieces and started to replace them with the new ones.

"Am I getting kind of stalkers like?" I thought out loud.

"Yup, I mean you watch her while hiding in the bush! I'd say that's kind of creepy." Plagg added.

"Well what do you expect me to do, walk up to her and be like 'oH hEy MaRiNeTtE wHaT aRE yOu dOiNg HeRE?'" I said while trying my best to attach a new handle to the side of the fountain.

"Nooo, that would make it infinitely worse. I just mean, don't be a freak, I don't know, like walk away while she's here." Plagg snorted.

"Oh, shut up Plagg, go eat some cheese."

"Already on it." He burped after downing a full piece in one go.

I continued to work on the fountain until dark, I was almost done. He fountain was looking great, I fixed the chipped parts and the water pump. I also added a new handle. As I stood back to take a good look at my work, I heard something.

Fading foot steps.

I ran out of the yard to follow the sound. Who would be skulking around an abandoned house at night? Other than me of course. As I rounded a corner following the steps I saw a flash of midnight black and pink.


She had come back a day early.

I quickened my pace so I could catch up with her. Before I knew I was right in front of her, breathless.

Why did I do this? What was I gonna say?

All I managed to sputter out was

"Marinette, I want to show you something."

I am a horrible person.

*yeets self off of bridge*

Yeah okay, sorry this is short, I was having a hard time figuring out how to make it longer.

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ we are nearing the end of this fanfic. Told you it's short.

Thanks for reading!

Tikki Spots On! 🐞 Plagg Claws Out! 🐾

~Unlucky Chat

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