She Told Me that She Loved Me

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She told me that
She loved me by
The water fountain

Marinette and I were on our way to the party at 9 o'clock. We were dressed in our usual dress because it was casual. Once we got there we found Alya and Nino in the backyard, everyone had red solo cups and I was sure that the so called "punch" was alcohol, me and Marinette then split off with our friends, every now and then we found each other and exchanged some sweet kisses.

Soon the party was in full swing it was only 9:30 and most people were tipsy. Everyone had migrated to the dance floor. All except one. I saw Marinette sitting outside by the water fountain. She looked kinda pissed off, like she had just seen someone she hated.

I approached her slowly

"Mari?" She swung around, her pigtails bouncing on her shoulders.

"Huh? Oh Adrien." She looked down thinking hard.

"I should probably tell you that Luka is here. And he and I had an encounter."

"What?! Where is he?! Did he hurt you?"

"No, no, Adrien he said that he still loves me and wants me back."

"Mari, are you saying tha-"

"NO! Don't finish that sentence. I'm not leaving you, I want to tell you that I rejected him. Like I should have the first time I saw him. But I don't think he'll stop." She cut me off mid sentence. It was a huge relief to know that she wasn't going to leave. Like a lot of people in my life had.

With that I nodded and walked away.

"Adrien! Where are you going?!"

"To give Luka a piece of my mind."

Once I made it to the dance floor my eyes were scanning the room for the blue haired dick called Luka. Finally I found him in a corner flirting with another girl.

"Luka! I want you to stay away from Marinette for the rest of the night."

The blue haired boy twirled around and glared his eyes at me.

"Why should I?" He smirked

I couldn't believe that Marinette was actually with this asshole at one time. These thoughts made me shiver.

"She's not your girlfriend anymore and, by the looks of it, she doesn't want to be." I bit back. I could feel my hands start to clench into fists. But I smirked anyways.

The boy stood up and towered over me. He was at least three inches taller than me, but I didn't cower away. Chat Noir had faced many giants with huge fists. But then again I wasn't Chat Noir right now. I was just plain old Adrien without the power of destruction and super human strength and speed.

"She was at one time, and I bet she will be again, before the end of the school year." He glared down at me.

"Was it you or her who didn't respond the same when one of you said 'I love you'? Oh right, it was her." I could tell by the blood rushing to his face that he wanted to beat me into a pulp but then I saw his eyes wander. And he began to smirk.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear,

"You're so lucky Marinette's watching, if she wasn't, I'd say you'd have a few broken bones by now."

With that I gulped and walked away. I notice the way Marinette was looking at him. It was with longing and almost, adoration? I couldn't believe this. I walked out to the water fountain and splashed some cool water on my face to calm down. Marinette had shown up.

"Adrien? Are you okay?"

"Marinette don't play with me. If you are just using me to make Luka jealous tell me now." I was slightly saddened when she hesitated.

"I knew it. Goodb-" I was about to leave when she shut me up.

"Adrien stop talking. I was only with Luka because you were with Lila and I couldn't handle it. It broke me to see you with her. I thought that being with Luka could help me get over you."

I was in shock. That's why she accepted Luka? Because I was with Lila?

"Marinette, I was only with Lila because my father ordered me to. I was going to confess to you the day Luka did."

We both stood there silent, waiting for the other to say something.

I still had these questions in my mind though. Why did she look at him like that? And does she still have feelings for him?

"Marinette, do you still have feelings for him?"

"It is true that at one time I did, I thought that it was love, but then quickly realized I only loved the thought of being able to love someone. That's why I didn't return his feelings. I'm surprised we didn't break up then. But I guess he really wanted it to work. I used to, but not anymore." I couldn't tell if she was lying yet. So asked one more question.

"Then why did you look at him like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like he was the bees knees!"

"Bees knees?! No Adrien I don't have feelings for him!" We both started to raise our voices at each other.

"You just told me that you did at one point! If you still have feelings for him then stop playing with me!"

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN I STILL DO! IM NOT PLAYING WITH YOU!" We were in a full out screaming match with tears pouring down our faces.

Suddenly there was silence, we couldn't hear the party that was raging in the background. We could only hear our unsteady breaths and sniffles.

"Adrien, I'm in love with you."

How did you guys like chapter one? I think it was okay in the end. Some of these chapters will be smaller than others and some will have two verses of the song, I can't remember if the next one does. I'll have to check. Anyways I hope you like it. I kinda took a little bit of a break from my soulmates book to make this one. It was kinda like a secret project. Also I had tons of inspiration and wanted to write the whole thing before I wrote anything else.

Luka will be returning in the next chapter, just a warning.
(Sorry not sorry)
All books have to have some kind of conflict. Other wise it just gets boring.

Thanks for reading!

Tikki Spots On! 🐞 Plagg Claws Out! 🐾

~Unlucky Chat

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