The Handle Will Be Broken

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The next morning I woke up at 5, I had to leave before my father noticed that I was gone. As I was getting up Marinette grabbed my hand. She was crying.

"Adrien, I'm so sorry."

"What for princess?"

"I kissed Luka."

"Marinette, you were drunk, and he was using you."

"He kissed me and I didn't stop him until it was to late. Adrien, I don't think this is a good idea."

"What's not a good idea?"

"This!" She violently gestured to both of us.

I didn't believe it. After all that had happened last night she was giving up. She was leaving me. Everyone did eventually anyways.

All I could do was sigh. I could've cried, but I didn't. I needed to be strong. My head fell. My messy blond hair covering my eyes. I grabbed her hands.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I whispered.

"If it stops all of this horrible stuff with Luka to stop. Then yes."

Still not looking her in the face I started to backup. As soon as her hands fell from mine I spoke.

"As you wish."


It had been 3 months since Marinette and I broke up. We were both miserable. When Marinette showed up at school the day she broke up with me she was wearing a scarf. Sadly Luka found her and stole it just to make her sad enough for her to go back to him. I didn't work. Everyday after we broke up I went and visited the water fountain. The party we went to was in a abandoned house, so I could visit when ever I wanted. After we had left the party, someone had thrown a table at the fountain and handle on the side had broken and had let rust set in. I was always at the water fountain. Whenever I had spare time. Ladybug had found me as Chat Noir here and asked about it. I needed to tell someone. But I didn't have the courage to cry in front of ladybug.

A month after ladybug found me there, I showed up and had found Marinette. She saw the broken handle and rust.

And if she ever goes
To the water fountain
The handle will be
And the rust set in

Marinette just sat there looking at the broken handle and rust. Just as I had, everyday since we broke up.

Oof that was really sad. Damn I've almost written this whole book in one day. I'll have to look it over and fix it.

Thanks for reading!

Tikki Spots On! 🐞 Plagg Claws Out! 🐾

~Unlucky Chat

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