29 October, Tuesday 20:02

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Last night Britt started speaking to me again. We made up and had sex, our usual routine after a fight. I would love to stop, but I just can't do it. She said she needs me and how can you break up with someone after hearing that? We are standing in the kitchen chatting with Noor about school, Robbe and her parents. I take a sip from my beer, clearly bored with this conversation, but I don't want to be rude. Britt would kill me if I were to walk out this kitchen mid conversation.

I quickly empty the glass of beer in my hand and wrap my arm around her waist. I suggest to both of them that we should go outside and sit with the rest around the bonfire. I sit on a plastic chair and Britt sits on my lap. Noor looks around and quickly finds Robbe sitting by himself. He seems to do that a lot.

Few minutes later Robbe gets up and sits with Aaron. I try to focus on something else, like the chattering of the teenagers, but get bored.

"Are you ok?" Britt whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," I lie. I'm not fine. I'm confused and I can't fix it. I ask for the wooden skewers and take the bag from Moyo. I put one in my mouth, almost like a rose, and turn to Britt. She takes it from me with her own mouth and we giggle. Romantic, right?

I put a marshmallow on my skewer and start roasting it. Aaron walks past us and sits next to Amber.

"Do you know how to make s'mores?" Aaron asks Amber.

"No," she answers.

"No?" He asks surprised.

"Like putting it in the fire for too long?" Asks Luca.

"No no, like in American shows. Wait, let me make them for you," he replies.

He shows them how to do it and everyone around the fire is in awe. After Aaron finishes the s'more he holds it out for Amber to taste.

"Seriously? Do you know how many calories are in that?" She whines. Aaron looks heartbroken and I glare at Amber as she gets up. What is her problem?

Britt turns my chin and starts kissing me. It's small hungry kisses and I realise what she actually wants. She leads me to our bedroom and locks the door. She pushes me on my back on the bed and straddles me, but stops as we are interrupted by a knock. It's Amber. What the fuck? This girl is getting on my nerves.

I get up and walk out, because I'm not in the mood anymore. Britt calls out after me, but I'm long gone. I sit at the shore and stare into the distance. What am I doing? Am I still in love with Britt, because there are moments where I'm smitten and others where I want to break up with her. I sigh and make my way back to our room, because it's freezing and I know she will be worried.

In elk universum - A Robbe And Sander Love Story - WTFockWhere stories live. Discover now