4 November, Monday 09:21

994 26 0

I am outside the art school, smoking a cigarette with Liam. He has golden brown hair with dark brown eyes and all the girls fall for him, but he is gay. He is kind of like a school friend, but we're not that close.

"How was your break?" Liam asks and blows a smoke cloud into my face.

"It was chill. And yours?" I ask taking a drag from my cigarette.

"Yeah, same. Brent came over and it was really nice," he answers. Brent is his boyfriend that is studying Physics in Groningen, so they are doing a long distance relationship. I see Noor walking over to me and I throw the cigarette butt in the bin.

"Can you roll me one? Had a stressful morning and Robbe barely spoke to me all weekend," Noor complains. I roll a cigarette and give it to her. Liam is quiet and finishes his cigarette.

"I have to go finish something. See you later," he greets and walks away. I wave a goodbye.

"Have you considered the double date? I think Britt would love it, she's into romantic shit like that," I say and I can see Noor is thinking about it.

"Yeah, why not? It sounds like fun," she says and I smile in return. Good, this is very good.

"Is Wednesday a good day?" I ask. I would have asked about tomorrow, but nobody goes out on a Tuesday.

"Yeah, I'll ask him and let you know," she says while taking a drag. I crave for another cigarette, but decide against it.

"See you Wednesday then!" I say and grab my bag to go to class. It feels like I'm floating and this is a good start to my Monday.

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