14 November, Thursday 07:00

1.7K 31 12

I haven't slept all night and kept thinking about Robbe in every universe. In one, he approached me first and in another Britt didn't exist at all. I like to imagine Robbe and I are in love in every universe, and that he is my soulmate.

I lean over and grab my phone on my nightstand to send him a message. He should be awake by now, because he has school at 08:00.

"Good morning. Already awake?" I type.

"You too?" Robbe replies back immediately. I smile and want to tell him about my wonderful night.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought the whole night about you. In all universes..." I respond back on Messenger.

He reads my message, but doesn't respond. I wait five minutes, and still no reply. Was I too straight forward?

It has been ten minutes and Robbe still hasn't said anything. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but I would have expected something back. Like a 'you're so cute' or a 'same', but instead I got nothing. As I was giving up hope, my phone starts to vibrate. He is calling me and I quickly answer the phone.

"Hey, I thought that we could do something tomorrow,' Robbe says through the phone.

"Yes, that would be great! What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Like go out, on a date..." he mumbles.

"What? I can't hear you, could you repeat that?" I heard him perfectly, but I like to tease him.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Robbe says loudly into the phone.

"Why, yes, I would love to go on a date. I expect flowers and chocolate, and to be picked up at 7," I joke again. I hear a tiny laugh from the receiver and it makes me smile in return.

"Ok, deal. I have to go to school, but see you tomorrow," Robbe greets.

"Bye, can't wait," I greet him.

I fall back onto my bed and giggle with giddiness. I have never felt something like this before and I don't ever want to lose it. I get ready for school with a smile plastered on my face, and there's nothing that can make this a bad day.

*Hey guys, sorry for being missing in action. Uni has been too much lately and is taking all my time. Also, should I continue with the Wtfock Hogwarts AU? It's taking longer to write, because I'm doing a lot of research for it, and making sure that everything adds up.




I literally have no motivation to write or make art and it's really depressing me, because I genuinely want to finish this story. I don't want to make any promises and say that I'll write any time soon, but hopefully I'll get back into it before June.

Anyways, I hope it's going well with everyone and that you are safe and healthy.*

In elk universum - A Robbe And Sander Love Story - WTFockWhere stories live. Discover now