13 November, Wednesday 18:30

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I am walking back home, because Robbe pushed me out of his apartment and I wanted to stay over. He said that Zoë and Milan are not allowed to know that we're a thing, and I wish he wasn't so self conscious about being himself.

I open my front door and the warmth wraps around me. I smell food and walk into the kitchen to see my mother making stir fry.

"Hi, honey. How was your day?" my mum asks.

"It was really good," I say and it is true. It was one of the best days ever.

"Did you make up with Britt yet? She said she would take you back if you apologise," she says.

My smile disappears and I clench my fists. I'm tired of hearing this again. Have I not made myself clear?

"Mum, I broke up with Britt. For real," I say angrily.

"But I don't understand why... You loved her, didn't you?" she asks.

"Yes, loved. I don't love her anymore," I raise my voice.

"Ok. I think you need some time to cool off. You can come down for dinner when you are in a better mood," she says as she points to my room.

I run up the stairs and slam the door shut. I hate it when I feel like this, but I get so fucking angry when people do not listen to me. I play Bowie and fall back on my bed, while I softly calm myself.

After an hour I get up and eat food alone in the kitchen. How is it that the best day turned into one of the worst?

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