Chapter 10: The kiss that sets everything on fire

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Sonata sat down on the couch. Melody and harmony texted her that they didn't want to practice today. Sonata completely understood. She sat down and watched as Aria and Adagio left to go to work. They got a night shift job, which sonata honestly thought was bad. But she didn't stop them. They waved goodbye and walked out. Sonatas phone soon vibrated. She looked and saw it was a text from dragon sketch. It read "hey sonny what you up to?"
Sonata smiled and replied "nothing much. Just laying around. What about you?"
Dragon chuckled and replied "just laying in bed and procrastinating on our project again. When is this thing due?"
"It's do in three weeks silly"
"Oh okay. Thanks sonny. He sonny mind if I ask you a question? I've been meaning to ask"
"Sure what's up?"
"Well what?"
"Well I was wondering if we can hang?"
"Sure we can when? During lunch?"
"No not like hanging at school"
"Then how?"
"Like would you like to go on a date?"
Sonata heart stopped and she blushed. She couldn't believe it! Her crush! Dragon wanted to go out on a date. But soon that happiness turned to fear. If adagio and aria found out they would kill her, and so would tulip. Soon dragon texted again "sonny you still there?"
She texted back "yes I'm still here"
"So is that a yes or no? It's okay if you say no"
"Well what about tulip?"
"What about her? I don't like her sonny, I like you. That's why I'm asking you out. I don't like girls like tulip. I like girls like you sonny and your the best. Your wonderful and kind"
Sonata blushed and replied "aww thanks dragon. Sure I'll go out with you"
"Great sonny! ^_^ I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll come by your house and we will go from there. I have to finish this project before I fail us both. Love you sonny <3"
"Okay then. Love you two dragon <3"
Sonata put her phone down and blushed. Her heart was beating fast. She felt so happy! Melody called her and they started talking. Sonata told her the news and you could hear melody telling harmony and them both fangirling and everything. Soon it was time for bed and sonata went upstairs to get ready. She jumped into bed and couldn't wait till tomorrow. She fell asleep with a smile on her face
~the next day~
The next day sonata walked to school alone. Adagio and Aria get to school during 2 period cause they work the night shift. So she walked alone and when she got there she saw melody, harmony and dragon. He was holding something behind his back. She came up to them and said hi. "Is that the proper way to say hi to your boyfriend sonata?"teased melody
"Oh melody. How should I greet him then?"asked sonata
"With a hi babe or a kiss"said melody
Dragon chuckled "it's fine melody. I love it when she says hi"
Sonata smiled. What them four didn't know was that tulip and her gang where spying on them. "Boyfriend!?! Are they going out!"asked tulip
"Guess so"said daisy
They kept on watching. Harmony and melody laughed at dragons joke and so did sonata. "Don't you have something for sonata?"asked harmony
"Oh yeah"said dragon as he revealed what he was hiding behind him. It was a bouquet of red and pink roses "these are for you"
Sonata blushed and smiled "aww dragon you didn't have to"
"Well I wanted to sonny. Here take them"he said as he handed them to sonata
Sonata took them and smelled them "they smell lovely"
"Awww"said melody and harmony
Tulip was filled with rage. She wanted to scream. But then she would blow their cover. She continued to watch with her gang. Sonata was looking down at the roses and smiling. Dragon lifted up her head and kissed her on the lips. Both harmony and melody made aww sounds. Others looked to see what they were awwing about and saw sonata and dragon. They aww along. Tulip was now filled with anger. She stormed off to class. Her gang followed her. Sonata soon pulled away from the kiss. She was blushing and so was dragon. The bell rang and everyone went inside. Dragon held out his hand and sonata took it. The walked to class hand in hand. Along with harmony and melody. Sonata was super happy. Nothing can ruin this day. Tulip ran to the class and mumbled "that stupid sonata! She stole him from me. She will pay harder now! No one steal him from me. He will pay too for leaving me for her! Good thing I have that love potion in my bag. Once I spray it on him I'll make sonata pay"
Sonata and the others walked into the class. Sonata stopped as soon as she saw tulip. Tulip gave her a death glare that soon turned into a evil smile and waved at sonata. Sonata took her seat and now realized the consequence of dating dragon. Tulip was after her. She could feel it. ~why is she getting mad at me for a guy? I mean he's just a guy!~. Sonata felt tulip cold glare. She tried not to show fear. Dragon noticed and threw a paper ball at tulip. Tulip looked around to see who threw it at her. Dragon acted like he saw nor did anything. She glared at him and he looked at her. "Why you looking at me like that? What did I do? Did I struck a nerve?"he teases
Tulip growled. "Hey don't growl your not an animal"said dragon
"Ha very funny"said tulip
"Hey I'm treating you the same way your treating others and a certain someone. Now you better back off and leave sonny alone. She hasn't done anything bad to you"said dragon
"So now your defending that girl. Look what you turned into. At first you were cool but now your lame"said tulip
"First I wasn't anywhere near your level and second don't go around insulting sonny"said dragon
Melody like how dragon was defending sonata. She knew her friend was in good hands.

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