Chapter 29: The Fight To The Death

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Sonata grabbed the rope good and walked up to tulip. Tulip was to busy thinking to herself she didn't notice sonata. Sonata quickly put the rope around tulip neck and began chocking her. Tulip struggled and sonata pulled harder. "This will be slow and painful death for you tulip!"said sonata
Tulip smirked and kicked sonata. Sonata let go and tulip punched her.the officers saw two girl fighting. "Sonata!!!"yelled dragon
Tulip threw sonata to the wall and aimed the gun to her head. Sonata grabbed a book and threw it at her face. Tulip let go of the gun and held her face. Sonata grabbed a glass cup and broke it on tulip head. Tulip started bleeding and pined sonata to the wall. Sonata pushed tulip to the table then threw her down. Sonata pinned down tulip and punched her. Tulip turned them around and started punching sonata. Sonata was reaching for the gun but tulip kicked it far from her reach. Sonata pushed tulip off and crawled to the gun. "Oh no you don't!"said tulip as she grabbed a chair and hit sonata with it
Sonata fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Sonata was sick of it. Sick of tulip. Sonata pulled herself up and kick tulip. Tulip grabbed a knife and pined sonata to the wall and cut her cheek and her stomach. Sonata screamed in pain. She kicked tulip off. Sonata held her stomach. She was bleeding. Tulip tried getting up but sonata kicked her. Sonata grabbed the same knife and cut tulip on her arm. Tulip pushed sonata off. Sonata ran to the gun and pointed it to tulip. All the officers could hear was screaming and yelling. Tulip stood still. "I have you now! You'll pay tulip!"said sonata
"You don't even have the guts to kill me!"said tulip
"Your wrong! I'll kill you the same bloody way you killed scan! Hast la vista bitch!"said sonata
She pulled the trigger and shot tulip. The officers and the other opened their eyes in horror. "Sonata no!!!"screamed dragon
Harmony and melody held each other in fear. All they heard we the gun shots. Sonata kept shooting until all the bullets where gone. She put the gun down and saw tulip laying in her own pool of blood. Sonata bend down to tulip. Sonata remember all the pain she lived this year. It was all because of this girl. Sonata cried. She murder. She killed someone. The pain in her stomach was big and so was the pain in her heart. She soon stopped crying. "Game over tulip. Guess I won"said sonata
She stood up and left the gun there. She painfully walked to the door. The officers where ready to fire seeing the door knob shaking. Sonata opened the door and walked out. The officers put their guns down and saw a injured sonata. Melody and harmony calmed down and puts the sirens away. Dragon ran to sonata "sonny!"
Sonata looked up to see dragon. She started crying and ran to him. Ignoring the pain she ran to him. Her once white dresses was covered in her blood and the blood of tulip. They both hugged and cried "I thought I was going to lose you again"said dragon
Officer Rodriguez walked up "sonata where's tulip?"he asked
Sonata tried to speak. Aria held her and so did the others. She signal them to let go "I killed her. I was the one who was shooting"said sonata
The officers walked in and took out tulips dead body. Officer Rodriguez was left in shock. "She asked for it"said harmony
"She was playing a game she knew she was going to lose. She let her envy take over"said Aria
Sonata screamed in pain. She held her stomach and fell to the ground. The cut tulip made was deep. Sonata let out another painful scream. "I need an ambulance now!!!"screamed Rodriguez
Sonata fell to the ground, holding her stomach and gasping for air. Dragon bend down and tried calming her down "sonny calm down" he said
His outfit was now covered in blood. Sonata was soon put into the ambulance car. They rushed her to the hospital. Sonata was quickly put into surgery so they can close the gap and see what was damaged. She saw a bright light. Was she finally going to die? Soon the light faded into darkness and everything was black.

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