Chapter 22: The book, the girl, the spell, the anger

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Sonata walked to her next class. "Sonata!!!!"
Sonata heard her voice being called. She turned around to see a girl running to her. When the girl catch up she panted and gasped for air. "H-hey sonata. My name I skyler shine. And I have something you might want to know"said shine
"What is it?"asked sonata
"Come with me"said shine as she walked away
Sonata walked with her and they walked to the quad and sat on a table. Shine first hugged sonata. "Okay sonata. I have news"said shine
"What is it?"asked sonata
"You know tulip?"asked shine
"Yes I do"said sonata
"Well I heard what happened with you and dragon, harmony, melody, adagio, Aria, and scan"said shine
Sonata remember scan and she soon felt lonely and upset "what about them?"she asked
Shine took out a notebook that said property of tulip. Sonata gasp "how did you got that?"asked sonata
"I found it on the ground. But hear me out. I read what was inside. Your friends are under a spell! And so are you sisters! Tulip killed scan! She's doing all of this to bring you down! If you don't act quick she is going to get you and kill you! Even read her notebook"said shine as she handed sonata the notebook.
Sonata took it and read each page. Soon her sadness turned to anger. She felt a negative energy storm inside of her. She finished reading the book and slammed it down. Causing shine to shake a bit. "How dare she! She killed an innocent guy because she was jealous!?! That bitch! She will pay for doing this!"said sonata
Her eyes glowed red and quickly went back. Shine stood up "sonata you have to do something quick. If not she will only harm you more and kill you. Sonata you have to stop her before she dose something worse. If she was willing to kill scan she is willing to do anything!"said shine
Shine was right. But what could sonata do. If she tried making a move tulip would always be one step ahead. She knew that tulip fights dirty. She has no sanity and sonata didn't want to sink to her level. Then the speakers came on "hello students. It's me your principal! I'm here to remind you all that the singers show case is in two days! I'll call out the names of the people who will be preform. And the performers are tulip and her group called the gemstones, dragon sketch will be singing and playing the guitar, harmony and melody,"said the principal
She called out 9 more groups "and last but not least we have the Sonata Dusk. Congratulations you ten. We will see you in two days facing off CHS. We hope to see you there"
And with that the announcement stop. Shine got an idea "the show case. You can do it at the show case! Show everyone who tulip really is! She embarrassed you and now it's your turn to play the joker card. Don't let her go another day winning. You stop it right here"said shine
"Your right. I will expose her at the show case. It's time to bring tulip down. And get what was mine back. I told you scan that I wouldn't let you down. I'm doing this for you"said sonata
Sonata felt like she had the power to do anything. And when she was about to thank shine she was gone. But there was a note ontop of the notebook and sonata read it. It was from shine. Sonata smiled and kept it. She put tulips notebook in her bag.
~with tulip~
"Ugh she got in?!?"yelled tulip
Dragon and the others felt weird. And suddenly snap! They were out of her spell
"Whoa what happened?"asked melody
"Ouch my head it hurts"said Aria
Tulip turned around to see them "daisy!! I thought you said the spell was forever!"yelled tulip
"I said the spell wasn't forever!"said daisy
"What spell!?!"screamed dragon
Then tulip thought of something. She told them everything. She told them the truth. She told them that she put a spell of them to make them do her dirty work and make sonatas life hell. They all looked horrified. She even told dragon about the loved spell, and how he punched her in the face and beat her. Dragon almost cried. And tulip told him how she started to date another guy. This made dragon pissed to the core. He was pissed at tulip for making him hurt sonata. They all ran to find her. All except melody who stayed behind. She walked up to tulip and punched her in the face then walked away watching up to the others. "Tulip what did you do?!"said daisy
"Sonata doesn't know they were under my spell. She won't believe them. This will hurt them. But here's the catch. They were the ones who made her happy. And just the same way I made scan pay. It will be the same way I'll make them pay"said tulip
"So your going to kill them?"asked sapphire
"Nope. I'm going to kill sonata. Sonata was my main target. Now all of them are gonna pay. But sonata will pay with her life"said tulip
((Thank you skylerarmor for the character! She was a nice person. And she will come back later on during the show case))

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