Chapter 26: the song that saves her soul

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Sonata couldn't get a hold of life. Her eyes were closing and her breaths soften. Tick tock tick tock. Sonata let out her last breathe. Her body turned pale. She was dead. The half time show ended. And skyler too the stage. "Thank you for that show. Anyways back to the show case. Next we have the *whispers* bitches *whispers* tulip and her gang singing it's all about us. By the title you know they only care for themselves. Ladies and gentleman please covers your ears"said skyler and left the stage
Tulip growled and took the stage. She was proud knowing her plan worked. She won. She knew sonata was dead. So then she started singing. Sonata laid there on the floor. The room turned dark. It all went black. Blood started flowing down from the walls. Tulip was singing with her crew:
I've won everything
Everything is under my control
Tulip continued singing. When she finished everyone stood there not even clapping. She stormed off along with her crew "yeah she has to much ego"said adagio
Skyler came up "wow I actually had to cover my ears for that. Anyways next up we have dragon sketch from CESH. He will be singing a song he wrote for a very special girl. Take it away dragon!"
Everyone cheered as he took his place and started to play his guitar. Tulip smirked knowing that sonata wouldn't be hearing the song. So tulip in her mind decided to make the song be dedicated to her. And so dragon started singing:
At first I didn't know
That I'll fall for you
I started to see you as something more than a friend
I never wanted that feeling to end
Holding you was like a dream come true
It was only me and you
Even when the world threw us down
We picked each other from the ground
Hand in hand we walked threw it all
Nothing was ever fake between us even if it seem like it was"
Sonata eyes sprung open. She looked around and saw she was in the room. The mirror was covered by the carbon. How was it possible? How could she be alive? Then a she saw a spark. And felt something around her neck. She cleared the mirror to see....her necklace! The necklace she had that helped her sing. She took it off and looked at it. She turned it over and it said singing come from the heart, it comes with both beauty and love. Then she heard dragons voice. Was it possible? No. Was it possible dragon had saved her with his song? Soon the blue siren came out and sonata back up. The siren then spoke "don't fear me sonata. Dragons song tamed me and tamed your sisters sirens as well. He saved your souls with his song. Siren feed off of negative energy. But there's always something more powerful than hate"
"And what's that?"asked sonata
"Love sonata. Everyone needs a hero. And he was yours. Sonata dear, you must get out there cause the game tulip is playing isn't over. Cause your still alive. Go hurry. Your after dragon"said the siren
"But how the door is locked. I can't break it"said sonata
"Try again"said the siren
The siren went back inside the necklace. Sonata walked to it and it was still locked. Sonata kicked it and it fell. She ran out to the stage and stopped. She saw dragon sitting down on a stool, playing the guitar and singing. His voice was amazing. She also saw tulip. Sonata walked up to them "hey gang what did I miss?"she asked
Tulip and the others including her friends turned around. Tulips jaw dropped. "How?"asked tulip
"Oh sonata! Where were you? We were looking for you"said harmony
"You know that you boyfriend is singing to you"said star shine
Tulip growled. Dragon looked to his side and signaled sonata to come. Everyone pushed sonata to the stage. She walked to the stage. Aria and adagio felt like they were going to cry. Sonata was wearing a white flow dress, and her hair was down. Sonata stood next to dragon. And dragon was about to finish his song:
I just want to let you know
That I have three words for you
I love you
Your smile outshines the moon and the stars in the night sky
Others look at me like I'm crazy but they won't ever understand why
You hold a special place in my heart
Nothing not even pure evil will tear us apart
Cause I may have saved the world
But your all mine, all mine
Till the end of time"
And with that he finished. Everyone clapped and he pulled sonata into a sweet kiss. Adagio and Aria we here cheering and clapping. They both pulled away. Sonata smiled and felt her heart warm up. Skyler took the stage "awww that was super cute! Sonata your the luckiest girl and dragon your the luckiest guy. I hope you two have it it good forever. Okay now for the moment you all have been waiting for. Here you have sonata dusk! She will be singing beat it!"

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