Chapter 20: Cold murder

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((Yeah you all know what's gonna happen. It's all in the tittle))

Scan slept in his room. He had just come from a date. He had fun with sonata on their date. Tulip found his address and broke in. Scan stood up. "What was that!?"he asked
He opened a cabinet and took out a gun. He walked downstairs. Tulip walked around carefully. She saw scan walk into the living room. Tulip was in the kitchen. She took a sharp knife and walked to him. He was looking all around holding his gun and ready to fire. Tulip crept up on him. She got close enough and stabbed him in the back. He fell to the ground. She turned him over so he can see her. "You should have never made slants happy! She can't be happier than me! She need to be miserable! And now for making her happy you will die!"said tulip
"L-leave sonata alone!"said scan
"To bad I already am. I was the one who send those people to hurt her. Well goodbye!"tulip said
She stabbed him multiple time. She got covered in blood. Scan laid there dead. In his pool of blood. She got his gun and shot him until there was no more bullets. She cut him open and cut oh his heart and she stabbed his heart. She growled. "Sonata can't be happy! She dose not get a happy ending!"tulip screamed. The neighbors heard the bullets and called the police. Tulip ran out threw the back door taking the kindle an gun with her. When the police got in they saw scan dead. They almost threw up. Rodriguez walked in and saw. He cried. He drove to sonatas house. He knocked on her door. Sonata opened and saw Rodriguez and he was crying
"Officer what's wrong?"asked sonata
"Sonata I have news"said Rodriguez
"What is it?"asked sonata worried
"Scan is dead. He was murdered in his house. He was stabbed and shoot"said Rodriguez
Sonata backed up and shook "no! He couldn't!"
"Sonata I'm sorry but that's the truth. His funeral will be this Saturday"said Rodriguez
Sonata cried. The officer went by her side and hugged her. Sonata cried and cried. Why was it when ever she had a patch of light it was always taken away? That night it rained. It poured. Just like sonatas tears.

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