Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

"Who are you?" I asked. I clutched the hot mug in my hand, not caring that it was burning my skin. All I wanted right now was answers and the only person I could get it from was Leon.

"I am the future King of all the werewolves. I make sure all the werewolves in the world are safe; if any of them are not safe then I go and help them. I make sure that the werewolf secret is not exposed to humans. If the humans knew of us they would start a war, which something we would not like to do, as werewolves are very vicious creatures therefore if the humans threatened one of us in any way then we would kill that person and its family. Most of the time we can control our wolves but sometimes it is too hard for us, so we let loose our inner wolves or inner beasts, as you we like to call it." Leon said, staring at me the whole time.

I stare at Leon for a few seconds. Ever since I met Leon I wanted to know his secrets, but now that I do know his secrets I am more confused. I didn't know what to think of Leon as.

"What do you want with me?"

"You are my mate," Leon simply said. I furrow my eyebrows in more confusion.

"What is a mate?" A cool breeze winds past us, making my hair that was let out loose to fly into my face.

"A mate is a short word for a soulmate. A werewolf's soul mate is like their best friend, lover and everything a person ever needs. It joins people that are meant to be together. It is like a force of attraction that cannot be ignored. Once you meet them, they become your number person in the world." Leon turned his head and stared out at the forest.

My thoughts were jumbled up as I realised that all this implied to me as well. I didn't understand how someone would like to be forced to like someone because of the force of attraction. Wouldn't someone want to fall in love normally?

"How do you know you are someone's mate?" I stared at Leon; it was as if I couldn't move my eyes away from him.

"When you first see them, you find them the most attractive person you have ever seen. You are shy around them at first, because you didn't know what to expect. Sometimes your soul mate is the complete opposite of you but she was made for you. She was made to make all your imperfections seem perfect because we all know life is not perfect but having a soul mate makes it seem like it is perfect."

My heart beated louder from his speech. I didn't know what to feel, was I supposed to afraid of him because he just said some of the things I have been feeling or was I supposed to feel touched that he knew exactly how I was feeling.

"It is hard for a werewolf to control emotions, especially when you are angry. The truth is I have hurt people before, some humans while others werewolf but it was unintentionally. I know you are probably afraid of who I am, so I am promising to you that will never, ever hurt you."

Leon took both my hands in his rough ones and gave it a squeeze. He rubbed his thumb against my hand, trying to soothe my emotions that were going wild. I stared at Leon in surprise; I was shocked by his sudden speech.

A small smile formed on my face as I everything he had said sunk into me. I appreciated what he said because I knew that was trying to be a better mate for me.

"Thank you," I said, staring into Leon's green eyes. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course, I was wondering when you were going to ask me. Go ahead," Leon said letting go of my hands.

"Do werewolves turn into a wolf during the full moon?"

"It depends on the werewolf. Each wolf is different from the other, some of the wolves are fiercer and vicious compared to others. Many who have fierce wolves cannot control them so they are forced to change into a werewolf. It also depends on how strong the human is. If the human is strong and their wolf is fierce then there is a chance that the human might be able to control the shift. If the werewolf doesn't change into a wolf then it is on its edge. Werewolves get angry quickly if they don't have a mate they like to be alone, if they do have a mate then they will stick to their mate."

"Every werewolf has a different type of wolf?"

"Yes, every werewolf has a different wolf. Some wolves are strong and hard to control while others are the complete opposite- calm and collected."

"How many werewolves are there in the world?" Suddenly I realise that I am no longer asking questions that I needed. I wanted to know about the werewolf world. Something about them fascinates me to no end.

"There are one billion werewolves in the world, but many if these werewolves are half human like you."

"I am a half werewolf?" I asked in shock, my eyes gone wide from surprise.

This is the second most shocking thing I have heard today except Leon being a werewolf. My heartbeat increased when I heard this. I knew that I was going to learn a lot today but I didn't know that it would have something to do with me.


"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Werewolves only mate with werewolves. Sometimes werewolves don't find a mate, so they look for a human to be the werewolf's mate. When they have a child, many of the genes are passed down. Having powerful senses and a mate is only some of the genes passed down. If the werewolf gene in their body is strong enough then they could even shift into a werewolf but that rarely happens."

"Were either one your parents, werewolves?"

As I thought over this question, many of my doubts about my family started to fall into place. I always waved their strange behaviors off, acting as though it is completely normal to run in the night for more than one hour without carrying any forms of light with them and not getting lost.

Ever since I was a little child, I used to tell my parents that my father has super eyes because he never got lost in the forest. My father used to act like I was talking rubbish and waved it off by saying he had a good memory, so he could remember how the forest looked like from the daytime.

I never believed him but I never said it to him. I had asked my mother how my father good run in the forest in complete darkness and she said the same thing as my father.

"You know the answer to that don't you?" Leon asked, touching my arm I stared into his eyes that were looking at calmly.

Even though I only knew him for a few days, I have learned that Leon is a trustworthy person, because not only did he tell me his secret and opened up to me, he also helped me find answers to questions that I have had for years.

"I think I need some time to take all this in. I hope you understand. I-" I was cut off by Leon's phone going off. He smiled apologetically at me and got up from the chair to answer the phone.

I stared at Leon who was standing in front of by the railings. I thought about all he had told me today. Why had my parents kept such a big secret from me? Did they ever plan on telling me? Would I turn into a werewolf like my father?

All these unanswered roamed my head, giving me a migraine. I sighed and put my head back. I closed my eyes, trying to give my brain a rest after taking in all of this information.

"Ashley," Leon said. My eyes snapped open when I head Leon calling my name. "I need to go; there is an emergency in the forest. Take some rest okay?"

I nodded my head and bit my lip from asking what the emergency was about. Leon walked over to me and kissed my head slowly, which made me close my eyes again.


Hi everyone!

What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think is the emergency?

Did you expect Ashley to be a half werewolf?

I am so sorry for the late update! Hope this chapter made up for it!

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