Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"What do you mean I cannot come with you?" I asked angrily. Julie, the girl from earlier and I were currently in the living room and arguing over why I should not go with them to save Leon.

"I am sorry Ashley but this not safe for you," the girl repeated again. The girl turned toward Julie and nodded to her.

Without another word, the girl ran out the door. Both Julie and I don't say a word.

My mind puzzled with questions that I do not have answers to. Why did the girl nod at Julie? What did she mean by it is too dangerous for you? Did the girl have something against me? Could the dark voice have something to with Leon in danger?

The sound of the loud wind hitting the windows makes me jump in fright. I hold my chest to calm my racing heart.

"Do you think we should follow her?" I asked finally. I stared at Julie waiting for her answer.

"No, I think you should just leave it," Julie said looking around. She puts both her hands in the back pocket of her jeans.

"Julie we should do something. We cannot just sit here and wait for the girl to come back." The sudden worry about Leon makes me question myself of what I am feeling for him. Do I like him or are my emotions just mixed up?

"Leave it, Ashley. We can't do anything. We don't even know where he is."

"But that does not mean we cannot try. Seriously Julie are you just going to give up?"

"You don't even know the guy!" Julie said loudly.

Some part of me realizes that what she said was very true. I didn't even know Leon for very long but I felt like I cared for him more than I should. What is going with me? Is it because I have no one else to care about anymore or was I just growing feelings for Leon?


"Yes," I said looking at Julie who was coming closer towards me.

"You look pale. Let me get you some water. I will be right back." I knew that this was the right moment to run to find Leon but I couldn't.

A slow and painful headache filled my head. I groaned loudly in pain. I clutched my head with both my hands as the pain increases. I heard the sound of footsteps rushing.

"Here have this." Julie handed me a glass full of water.

I tried to take the glass from her hands but they were too weak to move so allowed Julie to hold the glass for me. As I drank, I felt a cooling sensation take over my body, which was quickly heating up.

"What is happening to me?" I asked Julie.

"You need to lie down. Here," Julie said ignoring my question. She put the cushions on the end of the couches. I obeyed her and lay down. I felt my eyes drooping close until it was it finally shut.


I woke up to the sound of loud typing. I groaned loudly to tell the person I was awake. I moved a little bit on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position but I could find none. After a few more tries I finally gave up.

I opened my eyes to a bright light, I closed my eyes slightly until I got used to the light. As I took in my surroundings I noticed Julie staring at me.

"How are you feeling?" Julie asked me. She walked over to the couch I was sleeping on and sat at the corner.

I thought over what she asked. I did not feel the burning feeling anymore but instead, I felt slightly cold. I felt goose bumps appear all over my body.

A cold wave passed my body. My teeth chattered from the sudden chillness. I wrapped my hands across my chest, trying to warm my body that was becoming colder by the second.

What was happening to me? Was this normal? Do I have some disease? Am I going to die like my parents?

Tears brimmed my eyes as I thought of them. I wondered if anybody had found their bodies. Would they have called the police?

"Ashley!" I jump slightly at the sudden sound of Julie's voice. "Are you okay? You look cold. Let me get you a blanket."

I heard her walk to a room and after a few minutes of opening and closing cupboards, she finally came back with a blue colour blanket.

She unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around me. Even with the blanket, I was feeling cold. What was going on with me?

"You are becoming colder by the second. Let me call Jared," she said taking out her phone. I watched as she talked to Jared. My mind was too worried about what was happening to me, to listen to the conversation.

"Jared is coming over right now. I am going to make you a hot chocolate. I will be right back." Without another word, she left the room.

I closed and opened my eyes multiple times; trying to forget about the chill I was feeling all over my body.

The chill suddenly increased, I started to shake from the coolness of it. My teeth clattered loudly. I heard the door of the dorm open and close. The person rushed towards the living room.

"Ashley you look really pale," Jared said looking at me.

"Here hold this," Julie said holding out the hot cup of hot chocolate. I slowly stretched my aching arms to get the cup.

The moment I touched the cup, the numbness in my hand slowly decreased. I took the cup from her and took a sip of it. My body becoming slightly warmer from the heat of the cup.

"What happened?" Jared asked Julie.

Before Julie could answer, somebody, opened the door. I heard the loud footsteps come to the living room. My eyes widen when I saw who it was. There standing in front of us, fully covered in mud was Leon.

"What is going on here?" he growled loudly. His eyes staring at each one of us.


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