Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

"Please Ashely take a seat, this is going to be a long discussion."

Leon pointed towards the seat he was just sitting on. I stared at the seat for a second before I looked back at Leon.

"I'm fine standing, thank you," I said with gritted teeth. I knitted my eyebrows confused to where I am getting this sudden anger from.

"There are things I still haven't told you yet."

I stared at Leon who has clasped his hands behind his back and was walking around the living room. He furrowed his eyebrows as if trying to figure out a puzzle. Leon opened his mouth to say something but again closed it. He opened his mouth again and hesitated for a second before continuing.

"When we change for the first time, it is hard for us to control our wolves. Many people find it too hard to control them and let the wolf inside them take over. The-" Leon got cut off by one of the men sitting on the couch.

"What Leon is trying to say is, if the wolf takes over it will show no mercy and will kill anyone near it."

He paused for a second, allowing me to digest all this new information. I didn't know what to think of all this. I knew since the day the dark voice started to talk to me that, many of the things I thought were impossible were real. When Leon told me he was a werewolf I thought I was given more clarity of my situation, maybe I had but at the moment I didn't feel like it.

I knew that there were lots more things to hear, to learn about. I thought I had time since only a few days ago I found my parents dead. I didn't know what to believe in anymore, especially since there are so many tales of werewolves and spirits. Everything I thought I knew is maybe the wrong information. I no longer have my parents to talk to.

I needed to find someone else who I could talk to, someone that could help me figure out all the questions and answers that are jumbled in my brain like a broken puzzle. Finally, after a few seconds, I took a deep breath, trying to calm not only my heart but my confused brain. I nodded my head indicating for him to continue.

"A werewolf's first change is the strongest because it is the first time in years that the wolf has come out. The wolf inside of us is like normal wolves; merciless, hunters and most of all being in a pack. When you first change, our wolf feels different, out place. Our feels danger even if we are no we here near danger. It will lash out if not stopped by other werewolves."

The man ran his hands across his olive coloured arms, avoiding the scratches that were quickly healing. I stared down at his leg to see that there quite a few scratches on his legs too. Some parts of his shorts were ripped with what looked like claw marks.

"There were triplets that shifted today. As the brothers were born at almost the same time and share the same blood their shift is more painful. All three of them could feel a little bit of each other's emotions, they could feel each other's pain." He suddenly stopped talking, noticing the look on my face. I blinked my eyes and leaned against the wall that I was standing beside a second ago.

"It is a lot take in isn't it?" One of the girls asked. I looked at her face, meeting the girl's charcoal, black eyes. Something about her made me feel uncomfortable. I looked at her sitting figure and noticed that everything she was wearing was black.

"Why does she need to know all this, sir?" The girl asked rudely, eyeing me with hatred. The migraine in my head worsened when I realised that I had one more problem, which was trying to figure why this girl, who I just me, hates me.

"That is only something for me to know," Leon said curtly, he stared at her with a dangerous look, something I had never seen before. Every time I had been with Leon he was always in a good mood, I had never seen the other side of him. The day when he told me was a werewolf seemed nothing to the tense moment occurring now. Everybody squirmed in their seats, noticing the sudden change of mood in the room.

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