when joe goldberg is fresh from his breakup with beck, he
has gotten used to life alone.
but all that is swept away when pure and sweet charlie simmons appears in his shop, seemingly the 'perfect' girl. joe is back to his roots and stops at nothin...
[POSSIBLE PROOFREADING ERRORS] honestly charlie, i question your taste in friends a little. you've got a circle of friends.
isabella white, you met her in highschool. you now work at the same dance group. shes fine.
tiffany sterna. a little bit of a brat. you two met in middle school. dating dylan jameson.
dylan jameson. met in middleschool. dating tiffany sterna. not a threat.
caine abel. met in highschool. works at the same dance group. obviously interested in you. a threat, but a very little one. he might try something on you, charlie, so ill keep an eye on him.
i found out all of this from your social medias. i also found out a few other things.
i found where you live. i know what stores you most often visit, like the coffee shop near mooneys. decent coffee. better than others. you have an older sister whos name is callie simmons. a younger brother whos name is cameron simmons. it seems your mother is out of the picture. i wonder why? thats a story for you to tell me charlie. i will wait.
today is sunday. our date hasnt been decided yet. ive been doing some light tailing. ive got your basic routine down now.
at 6am, you wake up. you head to central park for a light walk. afterwards, you get breakfast and coffee at the cafe near mooneys. im not sure if you eat there because its genuinely good, or because its right beside my shop, since i definitely do notice you sneaking looks into mooneys when you pass by.
anyways, after you eat breakfast, you walk around for a bit and look at the shops around the block. at 9am you take the bus to the dance building downtown, where you teach little leagues. you're there until 2, and on tuesdays and thursdays you go to your dance session until 5. every month, it seems you have a recital at the art theater on sundays.
i have seen you out with a few of your friends a couple times. your seen with isabella white and caine abel most. must be since dylan jameson and tiffany sterna are dating. occasionally you all go out together. ive seen them celebrate with you after a dance recital.
ive actually attended a few, and your very good at it charlie. seeing you in those pink ballet slippers, dressed up in a leotard..
today was supposed to be my day off from work, but im the manager, so i make my own hours. i enjoy working at mooneys. surrounded by books. you popped in a few times to say hello. when you got breakfast, before dance practice. you stayed a little longer when you got off work.
i downloaded this keylogger app on a seperate phone the other day, its pretty neat. you just put in someones number and bam, you have all their photos, texts, icloud, whatever. so, naturally i put in your phone number, charlie.
it was the day after you asked me out and you were texting in a groupchat.
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honestly, i seriously didnt know what you meant when you said that. but atleast you think im hot, which is the only thing i need to know.
caine has been completely silent about this. i am beginning to think that he is a bigger threat than i thought. i might have to take care of him, but it'll be very hard.
oh? it seems you've texted me. i hurry into my office, locking the door behind me. i layed both phones out on the desk, flat. i turn both onto the messages app.
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i read the texts through the keylogger app, and respond on my real phone. its a date huh? i never noticed this but your contact for me is 'joe💗💗' hearts? speaking of contacts, i havent looked through all of yours yet.
so, i looked through them. most of them were normal ones, callie and cameron,(your siblings) dad, your friends, but mine was the only one with hearts. I wonder what that meant.
anyways, i was excited for our date. i didnt know where you were taking me, and whos party it was. but honestly? i was more excited about the fact that this was our first date. im an optimist, so thats why ill say im excited to tell this story to our kids.
you are different from the rest, charlie. not like beck, not like candace. you are unique. you are confident, and charming. sweet, and kind. you are brilliant. and i think that you are coming to like me. it may be a little soon, but i think im in love with you. when its time, you will also return those words to me, but for now, just you being around me, with that bright smile, is enough.