Chapter 1: Ace Lennox

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Ace Lennox is Willam Lennox little sister. Ace and Willam's Parents died when Ace was 13. Willam took her in and takes care of her now. Well his wife does Willam isn't always home because of his job. Ace and Willam were always close to each other.

Ace always worries about Willam, when he comes home she gets all happy knowing he is safe. Ace is now 17, in the 11th grade. She has a Childhood friend name Samuel Witwicky. Sam and Ace are best friends they always have been.

Last year Ace found a Motorcycle, William was hesitant when Ace told him she got a motorcycle, at the end he agreed

We were in class we were doing presentations about our families it was boring not going to lie. I hated school I always got into fights and I would win why, cause my older brother Willam Lennox he is in the Army and he taught me self defense along with other things. They always come towards me they provoke me it's not my fault.

Teacher: Alright Mr. Witwicky your up.

My childhood friend Sam got up with a bunch of things. He started to talk about his Grandfather and his arctic adventures. I didn't pay attention I was bored. Then that Trent guy threw a spitball at him. I turned around and glared at him.

Teacher: Responsibility!

Sam: As I was saying

I let out a loud sigh Sam did say some funny things though and got scolded by the teacher for selling things in class. The bell rang and we all started to pack our things.

Teacher: We May or May not have a pop quiz, I hope you study

Ace: *Groan*

I left class I decided to wait for Sam to see what he got. While waiting Shelby and Jason came towards me. Shelby is Mikaela's adopted sister and Jason is their cousin they are close friends of mine.

Shelby: So you decided to do your presentation on your brother! *Smiles*

Ace: Yup! Will taught me many things

Jason: I can tell I'm surprised you haven't gotten into a fight it's been like a month *Chuckles*

Ace: I guess My brothers taught me too well *Smiles*

Shelby: Your brother is very cute too *Chuckles* no wonder you are attractive!

Ace: Stop! *Whines*

Jason: Anyway we wanted to invite you to a party tomorrow bring Sam with you it's at the closest lake! *Grins*

Ace: Thanks I'll see you guys there *Smiles*

They both nodded and left I stood there for a few more minutes waiting for Sam. Then he came out all happy. Did he really get an A?

Ace: Did you pull out 'what would Jesus do' card?

Sam: YES! Now I get a Car!

He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me outside where I saw Ron. Sam jumped in the car all happy.

Ace: Hey Ron *Smiles*

Ron: Hey Ace how are you *Smiles*

Ace: I'm good what about you?

Ron: I'm good too, do you need a ride?

Ace: no I'm fine I have my own ride *Chuckles*

I pointed to my motorcycle, he chuckled and nodded his head.

Ace: Oh Sam by the way there is a party tomorrow wanna come with me?

Sam: SURE! I'm down! *Grins*

I laughed and headed toward my motorcycle. I put my keys in and started driving home.

Once I got home I parked my Motorcycle outside. I headed toward the door and opened it. I saw Sarah and Annabelle on the couch.

Ace: Hey Sarah *Smiles*

Sarah: Hey Ace! Willam called

Ace: Really aww man I wanted to talk to him *Pouts*

Sarah: *Chuckles* he said he misses you and loves you

Ace: Aw, what a weirdo *Giggles*

She laughed too I went to Annabelle and picked her up. I made a goody face and she started to laugh.

Ace: is it fine if I go to a party tomorrow?

Sarah: Ace your 17 no need to ask me *Giggles*

Ace: Just a habit *Smiles* well ima do homework

Sarah: I'll call you when dinner is ready

Ace: Thanks, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask

With that I sprinted upstairs to my room. Me and Sarah and pretty close. She's really nice I can trust her with anything.

The next day

I woke up it was probably like 1:30 in the afternoon. I stayed up late doing homework good thing it was Saturday. I looked at my phone and I had a text message from Shelby saying the party starts at 3:00. I decided to take a shower. When I came out it was like 2:15.

Ace: wow I took oh well

I looked through my wardrobe to see what I should wear it is pretty hot outside.

Ace: Ah! This is fine

After I finish putting my clothes on I brushed my hair grabbed my phone and checked the time.


Ace: I have time to eat

I rushed downstairs where Sarah was on the couch watching tv. When she saw me she looked at me and she had tears in her eyes.

Ace: W-what's wrong?

She pointed towards the tv and it was the secretary of defense talking about how many soldiers died then they said the location. It was where Will was staying.

Ace: N-No, he said they haven't found s-survivors, he may still be alive!

Sarah: Yes I know but it's a maybe

Tears started to fall down my cheek I didn't even want to go to the party anymore. Sarah wiped my tears away and hugged me.

Sarah: Hey he may still be alive think positive, go to that part okay *Smiles*

I looked at her and sighed I went to the table and ate some pancakes she made. After I finished she convinced me to go to the party.

Ace: Will...

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