Chapter 3: The Robot

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Yesterday Jason texted me seeing if I was able to hang out with him, Shelby, Mikaela and other friends. I said sure why not. He said to be there at 10:30.

Ace: it's 9:43 oh crap.

I made my way to the shower, after I got out I check the time it was 10:00. I went to my wardrobe to search for clothes then I found some. I decided to wear a white crop top and some black shorts.

Ace: Eh this will do it's not like I'm going on an adventure.

I rushed down the stairs and saw that there were some eggs and bacon on the table. It must have been for me. I then saw a note it was from Sarah.

I'm running errands today I won't be home till late at night. I left some money for you if your hungry see you later
~ Sarah

I just smiled and finish eating my breakfast. I check the time it was 10:20. I rushed my way to my motorcycle. After I put my helmet on a sped off to the Caffe.

Once I made it there I saw everyone waiting for me.

Ace: Sorry I'm late *Giggles*

Mikaela: It's alright Ace *Smiles*

We all talked for about an hour, then out of nowhere we see Sam doing a flip! He landed straight on his back. I cringed in pain that must have hurt.

Ace: Mmm wow that's an awesome flip

Sam: *Groans* felt awesome

Mikaela: okay?

Sam: Mm nope I'm not okay I'm getting chased my demon car.

He quickly got up and started to leave. I knew something was wrong. I told everyone I had to go Mikaela, Jason, and Shelby followed after me.

Shelby: Ace let me ride with you!

Ace: Alright.

Jason and Mikaela got on Mikaela's moped. I gave Shelby my helmet cause I didn't have an extra one and I didn't want her to get hurt. Then we sped off after Sam.

Ace: Ugh Sam what did you get into this time

Shelby: I wonder what he did now

We made it to this abandon parking lot. I stop and Shelby hoped off. Mikaela went ahead a bit more and Sam came running like a maniac and dropped Mikaela and Jason.

Jason: Dude What the hell!

Mikaela: What's your probably Sam!

Shelby went to help them up. She was not happy but Sam was panicking, from behind, I saw a figure coming closers

Ace: What the hell...

Sam: No time there's a big ROBOT CHASING AFTER ME

The robot ran faster and flipped some cars over I started to freak out. Then Sams car came and tripped the robot. The doors open and Sam ushered everyone to get in.


Ace: I'll follow you

He just nodded and got in the camero the we started to speed off and I was next to it, it was a big chase the robot change into a cop car. The camero crashed into a window one of the shards cut my arm.

Ace: *Grunts*

We have been driving for about an hour or so and I was low on fumes.

Ace: Fuck I'm low on gas

The Camero made a sharp turn and so did I. We were hiding in an ally. The Camero turned off its engine and so did I. Then there was knocking on the window I check to see it was Jason. I put a finger in my mouth telling him to be quiet.

Ace: The cop car just passed

The camero started to start his engine and so did I after he started his engine we started to speed off with the cop car chasing us again, it was dark. But then the camero dropped everyone out and started to transform.

Ace: Woah

I got off my motorcycle and went with the others. We all looked at him in awe the stupid cop car transformed and tackled him. Out of now where this small robot came out of his chest.


Shelby: RUN!

The little robot started to chase after us. Well Sam to be specific, at the same time Sams Car and the Cop car were fighting.

Ace: Mikaela, Shelby find something to destroy this thing!

They ran to find who knows what and I and Jason start to protect Sam.



Jason was able to pull it off of Sam and threw it across. Then the Robot looked at me he was staring at my boobs.

Robot: Ouh

Ace: Pervert!

I kicked him and it went to Sam again it ended up taking his pants off. It then jumped on him, Mikaela and Shelby came back and started to shred it apart. It's head then fell off.

Sam: Not so good without ahead are you.

Shelby just kicked the shit out of it and it went flying like a football.

Jason: SCORE!

We then went up to Sams car it looked at us, I don't think it wants to hurt us.

Mikaela: What is it?

Jason: Hmm I don't know maybe A FUCKING ROBOT!


I looked at them with a 'really dude' face. Mikaela glared at them.

Sam: It's probably Japanese

Ace: Sam I'm about to smack you

He got closer to the Robot and looked at us signaling to come closer.

Sam: I don't think he wants to hurt us... he would have done so if he did

Jason: Do you speak Robot?!?


Sam: I think it wasn't something from me

Ace: What do you mean?

Sam: The other one was talking about my eBay page

Ace: eBay are you serious.

He looked at me and shrugged I facepalmed oh boy. Here I thought I wasn't going on an adventure.

Shelby: Can you talk?

???: XM Satellite Radio...Digital cable brings you...
... Columbia Broadcasting System...

Shelby: Cool he speaks by radio!

???: Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful

I can see Shelby blushing I couldn't help but laugh it was funny. She glared at me I tried to keep my laughter in.

Sam: So what was that last night?

Last night what happened last night, did he see him or something.

???: Message from Starfleet, Captain...Throughout the inanimate vastness of space...Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!

Jason: Angels What?

Mikaela: are you an alien or something?

He clapped his hands and pointed at her then he transformed into a camero.

???: Any more question?

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