Chapter 17: Car wash

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It's been a year and a half now, I graduated high school and was able to make it to N.E.S.T. Not only me but also Jason and Shelby. Will being the amazing brother he is helped us out a bit. He trained us a bit before boot camp.

Boot camp wasn't that bad, The problem with us 3 is that when out drill instructors shouted at us we tried our best not to smile or laugh. That's was it the rest was pretty easy.

Now we are at N.E.S.T, young amazing soldiers or so we thought, you would think that we are on a mission right now but no.

Will along with some other autobots were mad at us. Why? Well we had the week off, I usually tell Will but I forgot to this time and well. We decided to go out and have some fun. We told some people where we were going, along with some Autobots. But no Will didn't bother to ask the others where we were


We came back to base it was around 11 at night, we went to go eat and also went bowling. Once we enter HQ we were meet with Sideswipe.

Sideswipe: You guys are here good! Lennox is really mad right now

Jason: Why?

Sideswipe: Cause he's been looking for you guys everywhere, he's been worried sick!

Shelby: We are so screwed

Ace: Is it only Will that's pissed

Sideswipe: No....Your guardians are pretty mad too.

Ace: Optimus is mad?

Sideswipe: Yes....Starfire and Ironhide aren't that mad but Optimus is fuming....

We all started to shiver, I was kinda scared not only me but Shelby and Jason. Both Starfire and Ironhide are scary when mad. Starfire is a new bot that came Optimus made her As Jason's guardian. Anyways I never seen Optimus mad so I was kinda scared.

Ace: It can't be worst than the silent treatment...

Sideswipe looked at me and told me it is, when Optimus is annoyed or even a bit pissed he doesn't respond all the time, and can be a bit rude

Sideswipe: He is really mad, he probably won't acknowledge you for a while and his glares are the worst.

Ace: Aww Im so screwed!

Jason: Didn't anyone tell them where we were?

Sideswipe: No....they just found out like 10 minutes ago so if they see you right now you guys are fragged.

Ace: Can you help us Please!

I gave him puppy dog eyes, me and Sideswipe are close friends, he always has my back.

Sideswipe: as much as I want too I can't, Optimus order us Autobots to be on alert when you guys come, he wanted to talk to you, I'm actually supposed to take you to him and Lennox.

Jason: Are you going to take us?

Sideswipe: No....I'll pretend like I didn't see get going

Shelby: you are the best!

We started to go to our shared room. We saw some soldiers and we shushed them they nodded, we are actually liked by them they have our back, I saw Epps and he looked at us with a smile and made a You guys are so dead face. I know Epps would tell the others we are here he's really cool. We were almost there we just need to walk up some stairs.

Jason: Almost there,

Ace: Shh, we don't wan-


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