Chapter 11.

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" Your waking up, take it easy. Rolan I don't think this job is working out. Both patients have attacked you today and they seem to be a little infatuation with you."

" Please Dr Turner I am more them qualified for this job. I may let my guard down for a second, I will not let it happen again." She could see the reluctant look in Lena's eyes and took the time to continue. " You said it yourself both of these men never said a word the whole time they have been here. I'm the only one that they have spoken to. I am not going to allow these two monsters to make me feel weak. Please let me keep this job, I'll take the week off then come back brand new."

Dr Turner thought about it for a minute and let out a sigh. " Rolan go home and take a break. Go shopping and relax. Come back in a week and then we will go from there. If it turns out like this again I will not hesitate to stop the sessions with Hunt and Koslov. We have other patients that you can work with. Now go home before I change my mind."

She didn't need to be told twice, she didn't want to be here anymore. Event though she was absolutely terrified of ever being in a room with either one of them ever again, her parents taught to never give up. To never allow people to treat her like she's weak because she's not. She was going to start over and that started with changing her looks, she didn't want Hunt and Koslov to think of her as one of their victims because she wasn't.

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