Chapter 17.

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"She threw herself at heartbreak, like a moth drawn to a flame, patching up her broken wings, just to try it once again. And the world all thought her foolish, for she never seemed to learn, but how do you save somebody, who's convinced that they should burn."
        - anonymous

" They want you Rolan, they are asking for you."

What? She couldn't have heard her right, could she? A week ago Lena wanted her away from these two, now she wants her to go to them, was she losing it? " Lena what exactly did you want me to come here for? You were ready for me to stay away from them a week ago, I'm so lost." Between being so confused at why she was here and know long both men was in the same room, she is on the verge of having a panic attack.

" I know your so confused right now Rolan but you need to listen to me. Right now we have a eighteen years old nurse in with those two men who have a scalpel to her neck and one to her face. They are telling here Birdy, Birdy. I know exactly what I told you but right now one wrong move and they're going to kill her. I had no other choice then to call you."

Rolan knew the right thing to do was to go help but she was down right scared. She hated feeling scared , she felt weak. Even if she did help, how was she going to be safe? How was she going to be able to get this young girl out of there?. A million questions were going through her mind. With a Shakey breath she looked at Lena , " if I do this, how are we going to get me and her out of their safe?"

Grabbing ahold of Rolans hands Lena turned to her. " Once you convince to they the nurse go, we have two me that will shoot them with tranquilizers. It will take 2-5 seconds for those to work so you will be safe."

Before she could think the words spilled out of her mouth. " Yeah like how I was safe a week ago when they both attacked me." She knew it was a low and knew how Lena blames herself for that day. She was just so scared about what was going to happen. " Let I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that, I know it wasn't your fault. I'm just a little on edge right now."

" I know Ro I get it, your scared and I don't blame you at all. I'm just asking you to think about this. You can save this girl. You have a little sister, right? She's the same age as this girl, what I it was her in there, you would do anything to save her right?" "Of course I would Lena without questioning it I would." They sat there for a minutes in silence. Within that silence you could hear men yelling in the distance. Rolan turned her head when she heard it again. " Here Birdy Birdy. Little bird, little bird where are you?" They were taunting her, she knew that's exactly what they were doing.

" So you want me to go in there and convince them to let the nurse go. Then distract them till they get shot with the tranquilizers. What if it accidentally shoots me?" There could be a chance that could happen . All they had to do was grab and she could be hit. One of the guys could stab her or slit her throat. All it took was one wrong move. " Rolan these men are trained, your won't be shot. They have done this multiple times." She sighed, " okay I'll do it." Could she really do it though, was she ready? Rolan stood up and went to walk towards the direction she heard the voices coming from. Before she could Lena stopped her. She gave Lena a confused look, " Rolan one more thing before you go."

" The nurse, the nurse she has brown hair with hazel eyes."

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