Chapter 23.

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" Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Ring, Ring. The sound of Rolan's alarm had woken her up. The night before she didn't get much sleep, the nerves of going back to work kept her up. She looked at the clock and seen that she had thirty minutes before she had to get to work.

She rushed to her closet to hurry and throw on some clothes. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a white lace top she threw them on.

 Grabbing a pair of jeans and a white lace top she threw them on

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After putting her boots on, she rushed out the door

It felt like her first day at work all over again. Standing on the steps in front of the hospital looking at the huge building like it was going to swallow her whole.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and entered the building. There stood Lena like she did on the first day wearing her white hospital coat. Like she was in a daze, she heard someone clear their throat. " Almost five minutes late for your first day Miss Grey." Smiling at her friend " I know Dr Turner, I'm sorry it won't happen again." Lena grabbed ahold of Rolan and gave her a hug. " I'm glad your back Ro, now come I want you to meet someone."

* Dr Rolan Grey I would like to introduce you to Dr Ryan Jackson, he is the new doctor that took over Hunt and Koslov." Dr Jackson was a middle aged man that stood about 6'1, a very kind looking man. " It's nice to meet you Miss Grey, welcome back." Rolan shook his hand and the three of them stood in a awkward silence before she spoke up.

" So has either one of them spoke to you?" I don't know why I'm asking him this, she thought. Who cares if they spoke, who gives a damn about how they are doing. " No Miss Grey they haven't said a word, they just sit in their rooms and draw pictures of birds." That put a sick feeling in Rolan's stomach. She should have never asked, it made her want to turn around and never come back.

Looking at Lena and Ryan, she needed to get away where she could sit down and breath. " Well Dr Jackson it was nice meeting you, I should get along I've got patients to see." With a wave goodbye to them she headed to her office.

On her way to her office she heard, "Birdy, Birdy." Thinking it was just her mind playing tricks on her she continued to walk. " Oh come on birdy, you not going to say hello. Your breaking my heart mi amore." ( My love) slowing turning around there stood Mason with handcuffs on his wrist, shackles on his ankles and a sinister smirk on his face.

She needed to get out of here. It was getting harder to breath and she knew if she didnt, she was going to have a full blown panic attack. She couldn't looked at him anymore, she needed to get away from him. Rolan hurried and walked away but she could here Mason laughing and yell out to her.

" I'll see you very soon my little bird."

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