Three | Friends

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Over the coming months and after a few struggles, Lyla had managed, to her astonishment, to build some friendships within the walls of the compound.

Wanda had become one of her closest allies. She reminded her of her little sister, a caring considerate person.

Her pale lifeless face stuck to the cold concrete that was congealed with her blood. Her vacant eyes staring... soulless. Lyla shook off the memory.

Wanda was a good listener and always offered a solution to any of Lyla's qualms. One evening Lyla was sitting alone in her room with a book she had found propped outside her door, the front cover blue and faded. She was attempting to find some solace within the old crumpled pages, when a light knock came from the other side of her door. "Come in." It was Wanda.

"Hey, Lyla." She said with an accent. She joined her on the bed, it dipped slightly as she sat next to her. Lyla had grown fond of Wanda, she didn't flinch now like she used to when people touched her, and Wanda liked to sit close and touch, it was something she had been forced to get used to quickly.

"Wanda." She smiles and lets out a soft sigh, she really wanted to read this book. The sight of her friend lifted what felt like a heavy weight from her shoulders though, she felt calm in her presence, as she always did.

Wanda could see Lyla was tired and was finding it hard to sleep. The bags under her eyes showed against her pale complexion. "Would you like to show me? Maybe it would also help to talk about your negative thoughts and feelings, "She fell silent for a second. "I can sense you're keeping them bottled up inside you." Wanda was careful with her words.

In the second week after Lyla had arrived, she and Wanda had openly talked about pretty much everything that had happened. They discussed why she had gone on her escapade of vengeance. Wanda understood of course, having done the same thing herself, only she wasn't alone, her brother had aided her.

Lyla sighed in resignation as Wanda took her friends' hands in her own.

"Okay, if you think it will help. I trust you Wanda." Lyla whispered, searching her friend's eyes, hoping she wasn't wrong.

Wanda squeezed her hand, she knew this was a big step for Lyla. Getting close to people again.

Holding Lyla's hands in one of her own she raised her other to Lyla's forehead. A red glow slowly emerged from her palm.

*Screams bouncing off the walls*

A gun goes off. The sound reverberates on the concrete walls.

Lyla's mother screaming at the lifeless body of her youngest child.

Sickening screams and gurgling as Lyla watches her mother's throat slit. Blood dripping onto the floor. *Drip drip*

Retching and gagging.

Lyla vomiting in the corner.

The rattling of metal bars as Lyla tries to rip them from the wall. She needs to get to her Mom and baby sister

*Maniacal laughter in the distance*

Lyla was rigid. Her body jerks slightly as she relives the past and her nightmares. She fought back the screams itching to roll off her tongue.

A tear streams down her face, her eyes flickering as she sees flashes of her mother and sisters dead, lifeless bodies. She can't reach them.

She's gasping for breath, almost doubled over.

"Let me out!!" Lyla screams at the top of her lungs. Grabbing at the cold metal bars of her cell.

Wanda's face is contorted. Sadness. Pity. Horror. Tears leave her eyes as she witnesses Lyla scream out for her family. Her hand gripping tightly onto the now cold clammy ones in her lap.

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