Ten | Everything

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Nat and Sam both ran to Lyla's bedside, taking in her form. Bucky backed away reluctantly, allowing them to hold her in their arms as they surveyed her body, not quite believing she was back.

"Lyla. You're here. How?" Nat questioned. Looking between Wanda, Bucky, Bruce and Shuri for answers.

All FRIDAY could reveal to Sam and Nat was that the jet had been taken and was currently enroute to Wakanda. Sam had tried to contact T'Challa but he wasn't available and no one could tell him what was happening. He had his suspicions and so he and Nat had departed as quickly as they could. They received news of the 'process' when they bumped into the Dora Milaje, shortly after landing.

Nat looked to Wanda, her face awash with relief but also anger.

"What if this had gone horribly wrong?" She said, her hands waving in the air. "We could have lost more than one life today." Her anger didn't last long though, she pulled Wanda into a tight hug, grateful she had helped bring Lyla back to them, to Bucky. "But thank you." She whispered into her ear.

"It wasn't all me. You can blame Bruce too. I'm sorry to have scared you both but we had to do something. Time was running out."

Nat nodded in understanding. Her eyes traveled to Bruce who backed away in defence. Nat pursed her lips as she made her way over to him.

Sam held onto Lyla for a while, his eyes closed.

"You're gonna have to let me go at some point." Lyla spoke, a croak to her voice.

"I'm so glad you're... back. I've missed you, we all have."

Bucky eyed their exchange. Lyla reached out a hand for him to take, reassuring him. He relaxed at the contact, smiling at the two. Sam felt protective over Lyla, in a similar way a parent would over their child.

"I'm sorry for everything. I just..."

"It's okay, you don't have to explain. I get it, I understand." Sam said, letting her go.

"Just please talk to me. I'm always going to be here for you, we all are." Sam smiled.

"I promise." Lyla replied, squeezing Bucky's hand in hers. She wouldn't leave them ever again. Besides, she'd found her peace, all who had wronged her were gone.

"Come, we have lots to talk about." Shuri says, escorting everyone from the room, giving Bucky and Lyla time together. "I shall explain everything."

It took over a month for Lyla to fully recover, both mentally and physically. Bucky was by her side the whole time, never letting her out of his sight. He felt he was trying to make up for lost time.

Being out of it for months took its toll physically on Lyla's body, she hadn't used her muscles in so long and her legs had become weak. She didn't feel strong enough, walking took a great effort the first couple of weeks. The people of Wakanda used their technology to aid her recovery.

Bucky would massage life back into Lyla's lower limbs at the end of day, he would lie on the bed with her for hours, her legs draped across his; his fingers working her muscles, telling her stories of his past. Lyla enjoyed the contact and hearing about Bucky and his old friend Steve's adventures.

"Once, I made Steve ride the Cyclone at Coney Island. He threw up everywhere." Bucky laughed, whole heartedly at the memory. "You would've liked Steve." Bucky added sadly.

"It sounds like I would have. Can we go? To Coney Island I mean? Maybe we could see if the Cyclone is still there?" She replied.

"It's a date." Bucky grinned, suddenly excited for their future plans.

Violet | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now