Seven | Darkness

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Wiping the tears from his face, Bucky carefully folded and tucked the note inside his pants pocket. He had read over her words a number of times whilst sitting on the edge of her empty bed, trying to decipher the words, trying desperately to read between the lines. His eyes were bloodshot and his emotions raw. Running his hands through his hair, he tugged at it in frustration, groaning.

"Shit." He said through clenched teeth a steely edge to his face, before storming from Lyla's now empty room and rushing to the control room. He should really alert someone, but he needed to find out where she was going.

After rummaging through boxes and searching every nook and cranny, Bucky finally found something. The control room looked like a bomb had hit it, every folder and box up turned and strewn across the room. USB sticks and paper littered the desk.

On a tightly locked hard drive, Bucky finally found some evidence of what Lyla may have been doing in there. He also managed to override the commands Lyla had given Friday, who brought up the maps on the system, and showed him... everything.

Bucky hadn't realised that Sam and Sharon had managed to find the people who had tortured Lyla, and they had kept it secret for this very reason, Lyla would go after them. Bucky himself hadn't been in contact with Sharon for months. She had been off the grid ever since...

"Oh my god." He gasped out loud. He was losing his mind over what she was about to do. "She can't go there."

"I have to stop her... save her from... herself." His mind raced as he pieced everything together, he swiftly exited the room to wake up Sam.

Bucky banged loudly on Sam's door as he shouted his name, this disturbed Nat and Bruce who came out to investigate.

"Sam. It's Lyla. She's gone. I found this letter in her room." Bucky said fiercely showing Sam the note, shoving it right up towards his face.

"Hey. What's going on?" Nat questioned, exiting her room, she was half asleep and half dressed. Bruce sidled up beside her, exiting his own room, a dressing gown wrapped around his torso, eyes looking anywhere but Nat's barely clothed form.

"Lyla's gone?" Sam questioned. Reading the note over and over.

"What? Let me see?" Nat took the piece of now crumpled paper from Sam.

"I did some digging. She found out. She knows where those Hydra agents are. She's gone after them Sam."

"There's no way-" Sam stumbled, unable to finish his sentence, shaking his head side to side.

"Wait. I thought she was getting better?" Bruce asked, confused.

Nat looked at him, eyes and brows raised. "Clearly not. I'll go and fetch Wanda. Perhaps she can shed some light on the situation."

"We need to get a move on Sam." Bucky urged, a low growl to his voice. "She said she's not coming back. She's going to do something... she's going to end all of this. Them... Herself. She's not in the right frame of mind, we have to find her." Bucky shook his head as his words spilled out in a jumbled mess, panic rising in his voice. He started to pace out of frustration. They needed to leave now. "I'm going to lose her." He whispered, to no one but himself.

Bucky was more than concerned. Worry radiating from his tense body. He shouldn't have pushed Lyla away. He had to sort this out. "I saw her go, she took my bike. It has a tracker, maybe I can enable it." He took out his phone, pressing buttons. He turned the tracker on and within seconds a red dot appeared on the screen, blinking at him, the only bit of hope he had.

Somewhere in the distance, skidding through muddy ground, where the close knit trees were covered in snow, a red light flashed on the underside of the stolen bike.

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