Eleven | Love*

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Lyla and Bucky decided to stay in Wakanda for a while longer. To adjust. To find some kind of normality, before it was potentially ripped away. They worked the farm together, played with the children and Lyla watched Shuri in the lab as she worked on some new kind of technology.

Sam was working with Sharon to clear Lyla of her crimes, their case held hope and promise.

Bucky and Lyla both found peace on the African continent. The two continued to learn about one another, exploring each other's personalities and pasts. They became closer to each other than they had with anyone else, in turn they soon became lovers.

Lyla and Bucky were sitting amongst the tall grasses under the stars one evening, it was a clear, cool night. Fireflies fluttered around them as they watched the sky together, moving to lay on their backs, shoulders touching. His hand entwined with one of hers, their fingers caressing each other softly. Lyla watched as a shooting star flew by, she made a wish.

It was peaceful lying under the clear night sky. The pair looked to each other, eyes full of love and adoration as they both leaned in, the kiss was sweet before erupting into pure bliss and passion, that neither could fight or deny. They lost themselves to one another that night...

Bucky was tender yet dominant. He softly kissed every square inch of Lylas body. His hair tickling her flesh as he moved against her, her skin raising in response to his touch.

Bucky's eyes would always find hers as he worked his way over her body, his mouth kissing and nipping against her hot flushed skin. Bucky could feel the electricity coursing through Lyla as he made her moan and hum underneath him, his fingers tingled as they caressed her flushed skin. His metal hand enclosed her wrists above her head as his other hand roamed her body finding her centre. Lyla gasped at his rubbing and circling fingers, not able to remember a time she had been touched like this.

Bucky rested his head against Lyla's as he felt the warmth of her insides. He allowed himself to moan into her ear with anticipation, which made Lyla suck in a breath, she moaned back as he moved his fingers with more vigour. Bucky made sure to kiss Lyla delicately, his lips grazing hers as he positioned himself above her.

Looking deeply into her sparkling green eyes, Bucky gently eased himself into her. Lyla's back arched in pleasure, her mouth agape as he kissed up her jaw before releasing her hands to hold onto her hips. Bucky's fingers gently dug in, his body slowly thrusting and moving against hers. Bucky was relishing in the sensation of her body against his, he knew this wasn't going to last long. Lyla felt so good wrapped around him.

Lyla wrapped her arms under the solid man above her and around to his back, slowly trailing her fingers up his body making him hum. She dug her digits into his skin ever so slightly when he thrusted into her again. Finding his mouth with her own, Lyla breathed her own hot air into his lungs when he moved one hand to rub at her centre, sending her close to the edge. Her body shook from the contact.

Bucky knew Lyla was almost there, he picked up the pace slightly. Lyla breathed his name into his ear. "James."

He moaned at the way she recited his name. He was close. In his euphoria Bucky was convinced he had found heaven.

"Bucky... please." Her pleading words spurred him on as her fingers tangled into his chocolatey hair, her fingertips grazing his scalp. He hissed as she pulled at the strands between her fingers. Bucky's lips found Lyla's again, nibbling and sucking softly, making them plump.

Bucky abruptly brought one of Lyla's legs up higher, repositioning himself so he was deeper inside her. The sensation of feeling more of him, sent Lyla soaring. She felt it, it was like she was floating on air. Then she fell.

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