Five | Dreams

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Lyla woke up suddenly in a bed, not her bed it wasn't comfortable, the springs poked at her like thorns through the thin mattress. She sat up gasping for air and looking around, her lungs felt starved of oxygen as she sputtered trying to suck in some much needed air.

The room was bare, there was no furniture, only the bed, which she noticed was solid metal, rusting. It creaked as she rose, planting her feet on the cold concrete floor. She was alone. Her heart raced, she could feel it almost leave her chest. The air was icy cold, she could see the breath in front of her as she stood assessing her surroundings. Her skin felt like ice, the hairs on her arms raised. She shivered as she folded her arms around herself, rubbing life back into her limbs. Walking to the bedroom door, Lyla noticed the hall was dark and the atmosphere eerie, the security lights weren't working up here; she could barely see her hands in front of her. The hairs on the back of her neck sprung into life. Something was definitely not right.

Heading down the hall, Lyla noted that it was unnaturally quiet. There wasn't even the familiar whirring of the heating system. Lyla found Bucky's door in the darkness and knocked, her hands shaking in front of her. The door creaked as it opened. So loud in the silence.

"Bucky... Buck?" She whispered into the silence.

No one was there. Nothing was there. His room was also bare, just a cold metal bed frame and a mouldy mattress leaning against the wall. Lyla was becoming more agitated and scared by the second. She cautiously wandered down to the communal room, tiptoeing over the threshold. It too was deserted, just like Bucky's room. The furniture here looked like it had been ransacked or like someone was trying to leave in a hurry. Draws were open, chairs tipped over, papers littered the floor, and it too was eerily lit and ice cold. Lyla could practically see her breath on the air in front of her change into ice. She was scared, shaking like a leaf, eyes wide with fear.

Turning to leave, Lyla whipped her head back thinking she had seen a shadow move to her left side near the bottom of some stairs. Her heart rate accelerating further, she choked back a sob. Stumbling to the door and entering the adjoining room, suddenly Lyla came across bodies strewn over the floor. Familiar bodies, she almost tripped over the first one. She gripped tightly onto the door frame to steady herself. Vomit building in her throat.

Nats body lay crumpled in the middle of the floor, her dead eyes and mouth open wide in shock, a trickle of blood at her full lips. Her throwing knife laid by her outstretched hand, just out of reach.

Sam crippled, lying on his back, his legs pointing in opposite directions to how they should be, blood pooled around his head, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

Wanda, her neck clearly broken, mouth open in agony, her small frame draped over the counter top like a discarded ragdoll, hand outstretched to Bruce whose shirt was all ripped, bloody scratch marks covering his naked torso.

Bucky... leaning over the couch, he was barely alive. His eyes glazed over as they rolled back into his skull. Blood sputtered out of his mouth as he attempted to talk...

"Lyla... they're-" He choked out, forcing himself to look into her eyes. His body goes limp as he collapses over the blood stained arm of the couch.

Lyla let out a blood curdling scream as an electric pulse left her and reverberated around the entire room. She screamed and screamed and screamed, all the while tears spilled down her face.


Lyla woke up suddenly, sitting bolt upright in her bed, she was covered in a thick layer of sweat, her shirt clung to her sticky body.

It was definitely her bed, she double checked everything around her, pinching herself. Everything had been a dream. Bucky was there, cradling her in his arms as she let out heavy breaths. His arms were wound around her body as he rocked them both backwards and forwards in a soothing motion, his hands caressed her back. "Shh."

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