Four | The Bike

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After some time Bucky left Lyla sitting on the bed to go and grab some food. Her stomach was rumbling, she hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"I'm really not that hungry." Lyla said, as her stomach rumbled again. She'd lost her appetite after the events of today and she really didn't feel like leaving her room and having to face everyone.

Bucky pointed playfully to her stomach and cocked his eye questioningly. "That says differently. I'll be back shortly."

He smiles as he closes the door behind him, taking one last peek at Lyla, she's pulling the sheets of her bed back and settling in. She was exhausted. He smiled towards her again as he left to grab some food from the kitchen. Nat had left a sandwich in the fridge. He grabbed this and a bottle of water. Riffling through the cupboards he found some chips and a chocolate bar. He makes his way back to Lyla's room, a spring in his step.

When Bucky returned Lyla was fast asleep in her bed, lightly snoring. She looked peaceful all curled up, little did he know this is the first time she had properly slept in a while. He popped the food in a mini fridge tucked under her bedside table and scribbled a short note, it took him a while, unsure of what to write, struggling to find the words.

Morning Doll,

You fell asleep.

Check the fridge.


Simple but to the point. Bucky grabbed a blanket from the bottom of the bed, tucking it carefully around Lyla's body. He brushes a stray hair away from her face, his fingers softly moving against her cheek. Bucky's touch made her lips twitch causing her to let out a content sigh. His eyes take in all her features. The tiny brown freckle above her top lip. Her full pink lips. Her long eyelashes. He clears his throat. "What was this feeling?" He thought as he watched her sleep. He sat for a short while in the arm chair in the corner, going to his room reluctantly when he too started to feel drowsy.

Lyla woke early the next morning. It was a little too early she thought as she looked at the clock on her night stand. She lifted herself from her warm slumber, eyeing the note Bucky had left, tracing the swirly writing with the tips of her fingers.

Heading to the bathroom Lyla turned on the shower. Whilst the water heated up she slipped off her clothes, popping them in the bottom of her wash basket. She let the hot steamy water cascade over her bare skin as she stepped in, gladly letting it wash away the sins of yesterday. Today was a new day.

After she had dried herself off and changed into some fresh clothes, Lyla made her way back over to the fridge, tucking into the leftover sandwich.

"Mmm." She hummed to herself. Nat makes good sandwiches.

Lyla was still feeling hungry and could do with a cup of coffee so she snuck downstairs to the kitchen, making some toast and putting the coffee on to brew. Everyone else should be up soon. Lyla was careful not to wake or bump into anyone on her way back up to her room, tentatively tiptoeing up the silent hallways.

Upon entering her room she finds Wanda sitting on the end of her bed. "Hey." Lyla meekly acknowledges her friend, she had been waiting for her. Wanda raises her brows in suspicion. Shutting the door behind her, Lyla shuffles across the room and joins Wanda on the end of her bed.

Lyla and Wanda talk about the events from the day before. She doesn't pry too much, ultimately Wanda just wants to know that her friend is okay. "Nat told me what happened in the training room... I didn't want to disturb you last night. When I finally came to check on you, you were fast asleep." Wanda says sympathetically. Lyla was thankful she hadn't walked in on her and Bucky last night, whatever that was.

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