Chapter One

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Laughter flowed as the children chased each other around. The queen laughed, picking up Mabel, a little girl with flowing maple hair and bubbly eyes, and spun her around. The other children noticed and surrounded the women begging to be spun around, too. Even the shyest of the group, Will Cipher, pleaded to be held, his blue messy hair covering an eye.

The queen laughed, "Calm down, I can't pick you all up at once!" One of the children, the little girl's twin, Dipper had a sad look. The other boy, bearing a similar look to Will except with yellow hair, Bill noticed and had a "bright" idea.

"Don't be sad, Pinetree. I can pick you up!" Bill picked up the small brunet and tossed him onto his shoulders, struggling to keep balance.

"Woah! Bill! Put me down!" Dipper struggled to get down, which lead to both boys toppling to the ground.

"Ow!" Dipper tried to hold tears which threatened to come down.

"Oh! I'm sorry Dippy! Please don't be sad." Bill placed Dipper's head onto his chest and placed a kiss on his forehead, revealing his constellation birthmark.

"Hehehe. He has a silly picture on his head." Mabel stated when she was placed done once more. Will smacked Mable's hand, although it didn't pack a punch, Mable noticed. "Hey! What was that for!"

"Don't be, don't be mean t-to Dipper."

Dipper's eyes held more tears and hurryingly tried to cover his birthmark. "Don't listen to her, Pinetree. I think you're beautiful." Dipper blushed at the comment and hid himself in Bill's chest, trying to calm down from crying and embarrassment.

"Will's right Mabel, in fact you shouldn't be rude to anyone. Now, apologize to your brother."

Mabel went up to Dipper who now stood next to Bill, still wiping tears with his sleeves. "I'm sorry, Dipper. Your birthmark makes you special... like Great Uncle Ford!" Mabel held up her hands wiggling them, soon all the children joined in giggling.

"Happy Birthday!" Out of a nearby tent came out two older twins, Stanford and Stanley Pines, each wielding a gift for Dipper and Mabel.

The children surrounded the older twins in anticipation wondering what the gifts were.

"Dipper, you've always enjoyed the forest so I gift you my journal. You can add your own research if you want." Stanford handed Dipper an old red journal which has a golden six fingered hand in the front cover.

"Thanks Great Uncle Ford!" Dipper and Bill grew excited already, having their own silly adventures before, this could help them out even more.

"And for you Mabel a grappling hook!" Mabel grabbed the tool from Stanley and shot it towards the sky, which hooked onto a tree and sent her flying. The queen ran to get her down.

"Really guys, I don't think it's a bright idea to encourage these children's little "adventures" thier royalty!"

Just as she finished her statement Dipper and Bill had already gone out to explore the forest.

"Tsk, you see!"

"Oh Ariel, what's the worst that could happen a zombie apocalypse? Ha!" Stanley stated while helping Ariel get Mabel get down.

Over in the forest Bill and Dipper were spotting any creatures or plants that were in the book. Soon they spotted a small blue flame-like creature, which according to the journal, was a rare creature only few have seen.

"Will-o'-the-wisp!" The boys grew excited and followed the creature but whenever they got close it quickly faded away and a new one would reappear. Before they could keep going, they were interrupted when Ariel called them to come back.

They ran back to the spot where everyone was and told them about the will-o'-the-wisp. The queen smiled, "You know, some say, that will-o'-the-wisp lead you to your fate."

"Tsk, yeah right. Let's head back to Alex before a dragon eats us."

"Your Grunkle Stan doesn't believe in magic, says it's a waste of time."

"I've even researched about it and he still thinks its nothing!" Great Uncle Ford stated while collecting his weapons.

"Makes since that old man ain't afraid of anything!" Bill posed into a fighting position. "He'll do anything for his family and someday I'll be protecting Pinetree!" Bill tackled Dipper into a hug, Dipper got used to this and just melted into it, enjoying the feeling of warmth and safety.

Stanford grunted at the affection the boys had, "You should control those two, wouldn't want anyone thinking their in love."

"Oh! But I think it's sweet, plus what's wrong with love?"

Stanford pointed accusingly at the two boys, "Loving the same gender is unacceptable! Hopefully this is just a phase and Dipper will marry a wealthy, beautiful princess and Bill goes on to be a tough guard, not all lovey-dovey."

"Stanford!" Before Ariel could say anymore a large bear burst out of the woods. Immediately several men collected their weapons and kept it away from the royal family.

"Mor'du! Ariel grab the children and go!" Stanford went to fight by Stanley's side to get rid of the monster, which had many scars and bruises from previous battles.

Ariel grabbed all four children, hopped onto a horse, and hurried towards the castle, leaving the Stan twins to fight off Mor'du.

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Author's Note: Hello my charming critters! This is my first published story (and fanfiction) so give me any advice or comments if you want. It probably won't get any readings, but I'm doing this for fun. I'll try to update every week. (no promises) Thanks for reading! Love - Charm

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