Chapter Eleven

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Artist: Elentori

Author's Note: Hello my charming critters! Hope you're doing well with the apocalypse. School closure for me has been extended to April 24. Yay. (Not) I'm honestly disappointed. I'm not exactly sure if I'm an extrovert or introvert and even though I can entertain myself, I still miss my friends. Badly. And now I gotta deal with my family. *huffs angrily/annoyingly* You know, we were on our last quarter. Just exams and then party. Cause you know it's gonna be our last year at that school. Our school was gonna rent a boat! But now, who knows what'll happen. At least I have Wattpad and Webtoon. So yeah, I'm posting this before my mom finds out I'm on my computer again. Hope you're all doing well. Love - Charm


The sun was beginning to set as Pinetree and I unsaddled the horses and herded them into their stalls. We were careful to avoid any guards and headed towards the kitchen entrance. Before we even got in, we heard some loud chanting.

We couldn't hear exactly what they were saying except for... bear? Pinetree and I gave each other a knowing look. Stanley.

I opened up the door and peeked inside, making sure no one was inside. After assuring no one was here, I opened the door for Pinetree and we quietly slipped in. During the ride back, we both decided to prepare the pie as a 'fancy' meal. I got to work on the tea while Pinetree set up the dish.

I poured the tea in a cup and placed it on the tray. Pinetree placed the pie on a plate and added blueberries to the side. He went over to grab some utensils while I popped a blueberry in my mouth. He smacked my hand back when I reached for another berry.

I stuck my tongue out and he rolled his eyes. He cut a slice of pie and placed it on the tray. Before he picked it up, I placed a thistle flower on the tray. He smiled back at me and we both turned around to find Stanford.

"Mason! Bill!" We were startled to see Stanford coming into the kitchen. How lucky of us, no?

"Stanford!" Pinetree nudged my shoulder nodding towards Stanford.

"Oh.. eh... I... eh..." Well I missed up.

"Oh, I've been worried sick!" He walked over to Pinetree and checked for any injuries.

"You- you were?" Pinetree muffled out while Stanford held onto his face.

"I didn't know where you've gone or when you'd come back!" He let go of Pinetree's face and checked on me. "I didn't know what to think! Look at your suit! What happened?"

I looked down to see my suit stained with dirt and grass stains. There were some small tears on it, too. "Gompers threw me." I stated nonchalantly and shrugged my shoulders.

Stanford's eyes widened, "But I'm not hurt!" I smiled nervously. Emotionally hurt but still.

He nodded his head firmly. "Well, you're home now. So that's the end of it."

"Honestly?" Pinetree's eyes widened with excitement. Stanford didn't notice and continued.

"I've pacified the lords for now. My brother's out there 'entertaining' them."


In the gathering room, Stanley was waving a wooden sword while 'singing'. The royal family, including Will, sat awkwardly on their thrones.

"Come taste my blade you manky bear for gobbling my leg! I'll hunt you, then I'll skin you, hang you noggin on a peg!"

The lords sat grumpily on a table while the suitors and soldiers cheered with Stanley. Mabel noticed Pacifica standing alone against the wall while spacing out. Mabel took this as a chance to make friends, grabbed Will, and bounced towards her.

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