Chapter Three

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"Ugh!" I threw myself on top of my bed and had a mini tantrum. Not one of my best moments but then again did I even have any?

I curled myself onto the covers and cried a little. I've always heard townsfolk saying how lucky I am to be a prince but to be honest it's awful. I have to follow rules and everyone expects so much from me. To the point that I question if this is who I really am.

Luckily I have Bill, he's the only one who understands me. The only one where I can truly be myself and never worry about the economy or any of that trash. I developed a crush on him and even though Ford said to distance myself from him, I could never avoid that golden smile.

I smiled at a bittersweet memory I had about opening up about this strange crush. We were around twelve years old, all four of us were separated because we tried freeing the sheep from getting cooked into awful food. Stanford was talking about our relationships with other kingdoms, he got to the Northwest kingdom.


"Someday you will take Pacifica's hand in marriage and create a stronger bond between the Pine's and Northwest's kingdoms."

"What if I don't want to marry her?"

Stanford asked why I wouldn't want to make the kingdom 'stronger'. I shyly told him I was already in love. Stanford's glasses hid his eyes and watched me fumble with my thumps and kick my legs nervously, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"A-actually it's a- it's a boy."

Stanford grabbed my shirt and pulled me up to look at him. I struggled and pleaded to get out of his grasp.

"What did you say!"

I was sobbing at this point and couldn't even stutter a word. Luckily mom came at perfect timing.

"Hey Stanford how's it- STANFORD! Let go of my son!" Great Uncle Ford dropped me and tried to explain the situation but mom kicked him out the room after hearing his explanation. Of course, just for safe measure, she threatened to kick his butt out of here if he ever did anything to me again.

"Dipper, is that true? You fell in love with a guy."

"Mom! I'm sorry! I'll figure something out, don't worry I-"

She held me and gently calmed me down, and whispered, "Just answer the question, please."

I nodded, "I'm in- I'm in l-love with a guy." I was shaking, it took awhile to realize my crush and accept it. Judging by Great Uncle Ford's reaction it's not normal. I was fearing for the worst but instead mom started stroking my head.

"Oh Dipper, just because you're gay doesn't mean your any different. Everyone deserves respect and acceptance. I want you to remember that no matter what I'll always love you."

I kept sniffling and managed to choke out a thank you. "What about Mable and dad? What if- what if Great Uncle Ford tells everyone." I trembled at the thought of being neglected again.

"You can come out however and whenever you want. As for Stanford, I'll find a way to keep his mouth shut." We exchanged small smiles before mom's became sly looking. "So who's the lucky guy?"


"What?! It's my job to tease my children about their crushes. Is it one of the servant boys or..." She thought of any possibilities and gasped, "Is it one of the Cipher twins?" My eyes widened and I tried to deny it. "It's Bill, isn't it!"

"N-no! No! Of course not, he's bleh!" I stuck my tongue and pretended to barf.

"Oh, your right. I mean he's absolutely terrible. Have you seen his hair, crooked teeth, and scraggly body?"

"Hey!" I pouted. "His golden, untamed hair makes him cute. His smile could melt gold. And he looks really handsome without a shirt." I sighed dreamily but immediately realized what I said.

"I take it back! I take it back!" My face was as red as a tomato while mom kept laughing at my statement.

"Dipper! You naughty boy!"

(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)

I fondly smiled but a rush of anger came through me with Stanford. "Why you good for nothing uncle! Ah!" I punched the wall and immediately regretted it. While I was cursing under my breath, I heard a knock on the door.

"You okay, Pinetree?" I jumped at the sudden voice but realized it was just Bill.

I laughed hysterically. "Okay! Ha! No, I'm not okay, I'm being forced to marry someone I've never met! I'm always forced to think about the kingdom... why can't I ever think about myself." I slumped against the wall tired about, well, everything. Bill sat down next to me and hummed a small tune, but before he could say anything else Stanford came in.

Bill's calm expression became angry and wrapped his arms around me protectively. I stared at the ground unable to make any eye contact.

Great Uncle Ford cleared his throat, "Once there was an ancient kingdom." Bill groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes. We've heard this so many times before and I still don't understand the point of it. Great Uncle Ford continued using chess pieces to explain the story.

"Its name long forgotten. Ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved. And when he grew old, he divided the kingdom among his four sons, that they should be the pillars on which the peace of the land rested. But, the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself. He followed his own path and the kingdom fell to war and chaos and ruin."

After watching the chess pieces tumble to the ground, we sat in silence for awhile before Bill sarcastically exclaimed, "That's a nice story!"

"It's not just a story, Bill. Legends are lessons, they ring with truths." Bill growled keeping himself from yelling at Stanford. I was trying to decipher the story, thinking I could create a loophole to this.

"I would advise to make peace with this. The clans are presenting a suitor for you, Mason. Think about it Bill, you could meet someone and have a family. Honor your names."

"It's not fair!" I looked him in the eyes while Bill pulled me closer.

"Oh, Mason, it's marriage. It's not the end of the world."


(Artist of image Elentori)

Authors Note: Hello my charming critters! Do people actually see this... wow. I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or embarrassed. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love - Charm

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