Chapter Eighteen

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"Steady, Waddles!" Dipper tried his best to sew while riding the horse. Will stayed back with Wendy to take care of Bill after helping them head out. Pacifica and Mabel rode along beside him on Gompers.

They rushed throughout the forest on horseback, hearing some orders and cries from the men.

By now Stanbear was backed up behind a stone, trapped by the nets being held down by the men. In front of him stood Stanley wielding a sword to chop his head off.

Dipper hopped off the horse and grabbed a small sword he carried around. Right when Stanley lifted the sword, Dipper hopped in front of Stanbear and their swords swung together creating a shattering sound.

"Get back, that's my great uncle." Dipper hissed and pushed back Stanley, who looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you out of your mind, lad?"

"Stanbear, are you alright?" He huffed through his nose and shook his head in response. He seemed so lost and scared being trapped under those heavy nets.

Before Stanley could interject a shrill scream was heard from one of the girls. Everyone looked over to what Pacifica was pointing at.

There standing on its hind legs with a patch of bare, bloody skin and weapons sticking out his body stood Mor'du.

The reaction was immediate as everyone ran towards the bear and tried taking him down. A few men helped the girls get to safety. Dipper meanwhile tried to cut through the net trapping Stanbear.

Mor'du didn't even flinch as arrows were shot at him, instead he slowly crept towards Dipper and Stanbear.

As soon as Stanbear was set free, he pushed Dipper out of the way. Dipper skidded away from the two clashing bears.

Most of the soldiers at this point stoppe fighting, except for one turd head.

"Stand down!" Dipper shouted at Mr. Northwest who kept ordering arrows to be shot at both bears.

"I said stand down!" Dipper snatched a nearby bow and arrow and shot their weapons out of their hands.

Mr. Northwest didn't give up though and began shooting his own arrows. One shot at Stanbear's arm, causing him to hiss in pain. Letting Mor'du push and flip him on his back.

Eventually, some other soldiers and Stanley stopped Mr. Northwest. Unfortunately, since they were distracted, nobody noticed Mor'du inching closer to Dipper.

Slowly he was being backed up to a rock and right when he prepared for the worst someone pushed him out the way.

Guess who!

Bill stood clutching his side and faced the bear in front of him.

"Bill!" Bill only gave a small wave before falling to the ground in such a weak state.


Stanbear took quick actions and pulled Mor'du by the scruff of his neck away from Bill.

Mor'du was then twisted around. Stanbear standing protectively in front of Bill with Mor'du in front of another weak and crumbling stone.

Leaving with only one option left.

Stanford ran forward and kept slamming Mor'du onto the stone. Slowly but surely the stone collapsed, Mor'du tried to rush forward, desperately reaching a hand out away from his doom.

Stanbear ran back towards Bill and covered him from any flying debris. Everyone covered their eyes and waited for the debris to still.

Once their eyes were reopened, the stone was on the ground and crushed the legendary bear. The last thing to fall limp being the rough, black paw.

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