
2.6K 75 11

relationship: husbands/step-father!hongjoong
word count: 1.1k
published: 03.16.20

[return of superman, parents day special]
the clip rolled and the footage showed two bodies cuddled up, in a deep sleep. it was around dawn, the sun's rays peeking over the edge of their bedroom window.

"i wonder which family this is. their room is beautiful," the female narrator, hojeong, spoke, her voice soft as they concentrated on the video.

it was as if you could hear vivaldi's four seasons echoing amongst the bird's voices; not that it was edited into the video.

the camera zoomed in on the couple, revealing the first man.

"oh, it is superstar idol, ateez' kim hongjoong. the other person must be his husband, volleyball player, kim y/n," the male narrator, hyunwoo, explained, astonished.

"do you know y/n well?" hojeong joked.

"my son is a big fan," hyunwoo replied, the both of them laughing with each other.

hongjoong and y/n were known for marrying young and even for the younger becoming a stepfather; hongjoong being only 21 and y/n 25.

the angle changed and showed hongjoong's back was flat against his husband's chest, the white duvet covering their bodies. they slept soundly, the alarm clock displaying 5:45. their sleep would be disturbed within a few minutes, whether the shrill alarm or the beckoning of a child would do so, only the next minutes would tell.

the latter was proved correct when a small child tumbled into the room, pushing the door open and rubbing the sleep from his crusted eyes.

"oh, look at little siwoo!" hojeong cooed, hyunwoo fawning.

siwoo's small hands grasped the weighted cover, dragging himself on top of the bed. his black hair frizzy and strands displaced. all of it added to his cuteness.

he reached the top of the mattress, standing on it, almost losing his footing. he bent over and crawled onto hongjoong's legs, making his way to the man and nuzzling his head into the father's chest.

hongjoong bought his small hand to caress his son's hair, light breaths leaving his nose as he woke up. "good morning si-woo," hongjoong placed a kiss on si-woo's head, "did you have good dreams?" he whispered.

si-woo nodded his head, scratching his ear and yawning. hongjoong's nose scrunched at the baby's adorable actions.

"yes, hello. i am kim y/n, i am 25 years old and i am the father of 4 year old kim siwoo." the father introduced himself, giving the camera a small smile.

"i am kim hongjoong, i'm 21 and i am the step-father of kim siwoo." the shorter gave a bright smile.

"how did you two meet?" the producer asked.

y/n signaled for hongjoong to tell their story, while siwoo played with his large hands.

"i met y/n hyung through my cousin when i was 10 and they were 14. my cousin would bring y/n over and we'd all hang out together. so we've been together for 3 years and married for 1 1/2."

"you had only been together for a short while, what made you want to marry each other?" the producer respectfully asked.

y/n answered this. "we've known each other for 11 years, and when I had siwoo, he was one of my only friends who didn't treat me differently. so two years after siwoo was born, we decided to be in a relationship. i knew i wanted to marry him when siwoo called him daddy and he just had the biggest smile on his face. he wouldn't stop bragging about it to me."

the people behind camera couldn't help but awe at y/n's words.

"alright. should we get up and get ready for school? let's wake dad up, hmm?" hongjoong's sleep-ridden voice cooed to the baby. siwoo nodded his head once again, sitting up and hugging hongjoong when the older sat up.

hongjoong waved a hand through his hair, his other rubbing up and down his baby's back. hongjoong patted his face a few times, giving himself some time to wake up.

he got up, turning his alarm off before it would go off. he wanted to give y/n some time to sleep in. y/n and hongjoong had free schedules for the following month.

hongjoong and siwoo went into the restroom, preparing for the day. siwoo giggled when hongjoong popped out from behind his hands, his small face foamed with facial cleanser.

he rinsed his face, before brushing siwoo's teeth. "come on, let's take a bath, baby."


siwoo was dressed, lunchbox in hand and backpack large against his frame. his eyes appeared much livelier and his hair was neatly combed into its fringe.

"come on, baby. your bus is about to be here!" hongjoong rushed, grabbing siwoo's baby bag and putting a pair of slides on. he picked siwoo up, running out the front door. one of the camerawomen followed, running behind the two. hongjoong barely made it to the bus, bowing when the doors opened and waving to siwoo.

"goodbye, baby! be good at school! we'll will pick you up later! i love you!" hongjoong waved, watching as siwoo climbed up the bus steps.

siwoo turned around, waving back to hongjoong. "goodbye daddy! i love you!" hongjoong smiled and squealed, waving both of his hands cutely.

"oh, he's so cute," he gushed, "time to go back to sleep and then wake the other baby!"

"eh, the other baby?" hojeong gasped.

"6'4 y/n is a baby?" hyunwoo exclaimed.

the scene cut to hongjoong in their shared bedroom, lying on top of y/n as he poked at his cheeks.

"hyung, wake up~" the younger whispered in y/n's ear, pecking kisses on his cheek. y/n groaned at the intrusion of his sleep. the clock read 8:30 am.

"i don't wanna," the older whined, trying to pull the covers over his head, but the weight of hongjoong disabled him from doing so. y/n let out a short whine before pulling the blanket more forcefully, making hongjoong's body slide up with the blanket.

the smaller let out a puff of air, squeezing y/n body tightly. "come on, you slept an extra three hours. i wanna spend some time with you before siwoo gets back home."

hongjoong leaned his head forward, placing his nose on y/n ear. "please. please. pretty please." he quietly whined in his ear.

y/n chuckled, his voice raspy and deep. "okay, okay. gimme a kiss." y/n puckered his lips, pulling his hand from under the cover and placing it onto hongjoong's lower back.

hongjoong nuzzled his nose against y/n's, giving him an eskimo kiss. "brush your teeth first."

y/n kicked his feet softly, before placing both of his hands on the sides of his lover's face. the frame froze and a large exclamation point was edited onto the screen.

"oh my gosh! his hands literally cover hongjoong's head!" both narrators laughed.

y/n's hands were really large, large enough to completely hide hongjoong's face in his grasp. once the frame unfroze and the video resumed, it showed y/n pulling hongjoong's lips to his.

hongjoong pulled back, his face scrunched. "ew!"

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