
1.5K 52 21

requested: yeoshwa_
relationship: boyfriends
tags: cross-dressing
word count: 1.1k
published: 07.16.20

y/n snuggled his face in yeosang's neck, leaving tiny kisses on the heated skin. yeosang giggled, kicking his feet against his boyfriend.

"is that a new mist?" y/n sniffed, his eyebrows furrowed. "it smells really sweet, sugary."

yeosang's giggles quieted down and he avoided eye contact. "y-yeah. my mom gave me a sample she got from a store when she was shopping."

"really? it smells nice, it suits you. my yeosangie hyung is so sweet~" he hummed, pecking the skin and sniffing again. hearing his words, yeosang's body untensed and melted back into y/n's embrace. the younger paid no mind, figuring it was because his neck was one of his sensitive spots.


soft music played from the bathroom, a speaker set on the countertop. the two lovers sat in the bathtub, enjoying the warmth of the water and the lemongrass scent that wafted through the air thanks to the diffuser on the shelf above the toilet.

y/n sat with his back against the tubs walls, yeosang in between his legs and back to the younger's chest. the older was giggling about, playing with the bubbles from the bubble bath while y/n scrubbed his back with the loofah.

"sangie hyung, do you want me to use the grapefruit shampoo or do you want to try the linen one i bought yesterday?"

yeosang turned his head to look at the two bottles y/n held up. he examined the two, thinking about what he wanted his hair to smell like; citrus or a baby.

"linen," he puckered his lips, gushing when y/n leaned in and pecked them. a baby.

"okay, my prince. can you hand me the cup over there, please?"

he filled the cup with water, placing his free hand along yeosang's hairline and pouring the water.

when his hair was soaked, y/n squeezed a quarter's worth of the shampoo into the palm of his hand before rubbing his hands together and running them through yeosang's locks.

a few minutes had passed, the shampoo being replaced with conditioner and yeosang was now fully leaned onto y/n's chest, eyes closed, and in full relaxation as y/n massaged the product into his hair.

yeosang, completely out of it, bought his leg out of the water to rest on the rim of the tub, stretching himself out and into a more comfortable position.

"hyung, when'd you shave your legs?"

yeosang was startled out of his relaxation, his leg twitching as he was about to put it back into the water, but y/n's hand began to run up and down the smooth skin. "your skin is so soft and clear, hyung." he nibbled on the shell of yeosang's ear, the older shivering.

his right hand snaked up yeosang's chest, a trail of soap suds following as he reached his jaw and angled his head towards his, and bringing his lips to his own.

"should i paint it later?"


today was yeosang's day off while y/n had to work 1st shift. this gave yeosang some free time, and he knew what he wanted to spend it on.

the bell chimed as he opened the door to the thrift store and his eyes took their time indulging. "good morning, welcome to trendy thrifts!"

he gave a curt nod to the overly-cheerful cashier, grabbing a basket and walking toward the women's section.


yeosang flopped onto the bed, checking the time. 3:30. "i've still got some time left before y/n get's back!" he mumbled to himself, getting off the bed and dumping his treasures from the thrift store onto the bed.

"i should wash these, but then i won't have any time to try them on..." he mentally debated but decided to fuck it and put them on.

he stripped his clothing, going to his sock drawer and digging to the back, looking for a specific piece of cloth. a smile tugged at his face when he felt the material; it was easy to distinguish, it was the only piece of silk cloth in his sock drawer.

he pulled the maroon panties from the drawer and put them on. he turned to the bed, grabbing the flower blouse he'd just thrifted.

"oh, it's so pretty," he squealed, hugging the fabric to his bare chest. he was so excited. he wanted to try cross-dressing for a while and he couldn't just hold back from buying more clothes when he'd finally had a free day. he first started cross-dressing 3 weeks ago and he hasn't had any time to do it again. he'd started out small, only wearing the undergarments, but he became eager to try on a whole outfit.

he placed his arms in the sleeves of the button up blouse, loving the feeling of the silk against his skin. it made him feel feminine, the soft fabric engulfing his bare skin rather than the harsh fabrics of a knitted sweater or the heavy fabric of a men's blouse.

he did prefer men's blouses to sweaters, but there was something about a women's blouse that made him feel more pretty; more lovely.

yeosang was so caught up in doing the buttons, his hands getting caught up at how the buttons were on the left side rather than the right; he hadn't heard the front door open. nor did he hear y/n's footsteps coming towards their room.

"hyung, what are you doing?"

yeosang froze, his heart stopping. he slowly turned around, his gaze at y/n's feet. "i-i uh..."

he kept stuttering, feeling his face become warm in embarrassment and shame. his eyes welled up and he made eye contact with y/n.

y/n almost asked why he was crying all of a sudden when he looked at what yeosang was wearing. yeosang hadn't even finished buttoning the shirt, so the panties were clear to see. on full display.

y/n only gave yeosang a warm smile, walking forward and grabbing yeosang's hands. "did you buy new clothes today?" yeosang gave a shy nod after a moment, the tears dropping from his eyes.

y/n bought his hand to yeosang's cheek, swiping gently at the tear with his thumb and lifting his head. "how much were they? you should've took me so i could pay."


"go on, finish trying them on. i wanna see the final look; you're gonna look so beautiful, my princess." y/n cheesed, pecking yeosang's forehead.

"i'll go ahead and start dinner while you get all dolled up. we'll have an at home date, okay? i can't wait to see you all pretty!"

yeosang stood there and listened before he abruptly wrapped his arms around y/n's waist, burrying his head in his chest.


i hope you liked it!

i'm not really familiar with cross-dressing and i don't dress very feminine myself, so i did a bit of research~

and i know linen isn't a feminine scent, but it's my favorite scent so i put it in there...

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