
1.5K 34 3

relationship: senior/junior, pretty platonic, nothing interesting happens between the two... it leaves room for the mind to interpret i guess
tags: homophobia, usage of the derogatory term "fag"
word count: 3.7k
published: 11.10.20

synopsis: hongjoong is a drill sergeant and y/n is sent to military school by his father.

"you are no son of mine, you filthy piece of shit!" an enraged father screamed, his hand in the air as he was about to hit the person on the receiving end of his rage. the moment his hand went to swing, fingers wrapped around his wrist, their grip so vice-like, their skins burned red and white.

"don't put your fucking hands on me," the voice had a roughness to it, and the father's eyes widened, yanking his wrist from the grip.

"now you want to act like a man?" he scoffed, face red in rage.

"just because i like men doesn't mean i'm not one!" the boy hollered back. tears were brimming his eyes, but he begged that they didn't fall, because once they did, there was no stopping.

"bullshit! a man doesn't stick his dick up another man's ass—especially in my home!" the father yelled, pushing the boy back with every sentence. the man grabbed his son by the collar, pulling him close. he hesitated for a moment before he threw him to the ground.

"go to your goddamned room, y/n. pack your bags, you leave in the morning."

three years later

"hey, y/n!" a cheerful voice beamed, an arm being thrown around the latter's shoulders. y/n grunted, giving a curt nod.

"hey, jongho"

"ready for another year of training?" the younger groaned, walking slower so they didn't reach the entrance just yet.

y/n let out a small chuckle, "this is my third year, what do you think?" the younger let out an exaggerated sigh, smacking his lips. jongho was a second year, he and y/n became friends when jongho was a first-year recruit. they decided to drop honorifics; they were both born in the same year, y/n was just born at the beginning of the year.

"true, true, but i heard there's a new drill instructor~" y/n's eyebrows peaked in interest.

"hope he isn't a douche." jongho looked at him in bewilderment.

"y/n, they're all douches—"


"stand at attention!"

"you sure he's the new instructor? doesn't seem very intimidating—i mean, listen to his voice..." a first-year, minjoon, teased to another first-year; that was his first mistake. the boy year didn't laugh at minjoon's words teasing—he was a pretty timid boy and he didn't want to get in trouble because someone couldn't be serious."

is something wrong, private?" it was the new drill instructor. his face had no emotion and although his voice was on the higher side, it was easy to tell that he'd snatch a person up real quick.

minjoon cleared his throat, stiffening, "no, sergeant."

"that's weird, because i thought i smelled bullshit coming from your mouth—is there bullshit coming from your mouth, private?" brute sarcasm dripped in his tone. y/n listened in amusement, keeping his spine and eyes straight. he'd never seen someone so small be so intimidating. albeit, growing up with the kind of father he had, the sergeant was nowhere near as intimidating to him, but that bite was still there.

minjoon held his tongue, knowing to watch his words now that he'd been called out. he looked the private in the eyes—that was his second mistake. the sergeant stepped in his face, however, the top of his head reached minjoon's neck; minjoon was looking down at him.

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