
1.4K 49 14

requested: yeoshwa_
relationship: schoolmates (except jongho has a phat crush on reader)
tags: badboy!reader
word count: 0.9k
published: 09.01.20

"are you kidding me? no!" jongho nearly shouted in the cafeteria, shying away when the whole cafeteria stared at him for a few seconds before resuming once they realized nothing was going to happen.

"quit being a wuss you baby!" mingi egged him on, swatting at the younger's arm.

"yeah, we're tired of you just sitting there with googly eyes twenty-four-seven." san interjected, picking at his nails and clicking his jaw.

jongho sneered at him, raising his fist in a mock punch. "i don't have googly eyes!"

wooyoung chortled, "oh really. so when y/n walks by and your face goes red and you stare at him, it's not heart eyes? if that was the case, you'd look like that every time we walked past you."

jongho tried averting the conversation, but he's not very good at lying or trying to evade topics; "well y/n is handsome."

"then what are we?" mingi's eyes were squinted as he glasses sat lowly on the bridge of his nose.

"u-uh, you guys are okay..." jongho cheesed.

"so you're basically confirming you have heart eyes for mr. y/n l/n?" yunho held his banana in front of jongho's mouth, acting as if it were a microphone.


"and how does this make you feel, mr. choi?" mingi pushes his classes up, acting like he was writing in a notepad.

jongho scoffed, getting fed up with the teasing. if he didn't want to talk about or admit how he felt, leave it at that!

"i'm leaving," he grabbed his tray and stood up from the bench, ignoring their defeated calls.

"you guys should've left him alone..." seonghwa spoke up.

"he obviously didn't want to talk about it," hongjoong pursed his lips, staring after the boy in concern.


jongho trudged in the hallway, his face contorted in irritation. no one ever took him seriously because he was the youngest.

"they're so annoying," he grumbled, swinging the door open that led to the rooftop, "i should just punch them once, maybe they'll take me seriously..."

he stepped onto the roof, inhaling once the cold air hit his face. he shivered a bit, cursing under his breath when he realized he forgot it was winter. his arms wrapped around himself, as he walked toward the edge, sitting down and looking at the other students walking around.

a few minutes had passed by of him just humming to himself when the smell of smoke hit his nose. his nose crinkled, his hand sporadically coming up to rub at his nostrils. he turned around, freezing when he saw y/n and his friends.

he panicked, not knowing what to do or where to go. they hadn't seen him yet, so he ducked down behind one of the fans, his breath hitching when one of them turned around as soon as he hid. he crawled over to the edge of the fan, peeking around to check if the coast was clear for him to run to the exit door.

just as he was about to make a run for it, somebody grabbed his shoulder, causing him to yelp and stumble onto the ground. he turned around, scared and his hands came up in front of him, his body flinching backward.

the person chuckled, grabbing jongho by the shoulder and picking him up, "look who was sneaking around up here!"

jongho shied away from their gazes, trying to break away from the grip on his arm. all of a sudden, his body was thrust forward and his hands cradled himself as he tried to brace his fall.

"easy now, yeollie. no need to be so rough, he's just a kid." the familiar voice spoke, jongho's head snapping up.

y/n bought the cigarette to his lips, inhaling before blowing the smoke from the side of his mouth. he bent down to jongho's level, "what are you doing out here?"

jongho's eyes went wide, stuttering over his words. "i-i, uh, i-i just came t-to sit."

y/n cocked an eyebrow, inhaling another puff but holding it in, "you're not gonna tell," he blew the smoke out, making sure it didn't hit jongho's face, "are you?"

the younger quickly shook his head, looking up at y/n innocently, "no. it's none of my business, so i won't tell." the older smirked, bringing his hand to jongho's hair, caressing it down the nape of his neck.

"good boy. you can go now if you want."

jongho sat frozen, thinking for a moment. "a-actually, can i stay?"

a loud laugh rippled through the quiet of the roof top. "that's cute, he wants to stay with you y/n!"

y/n hissed at his friend, "chanyeol shut up or i'm deleting your game file off my computer."

chanyeol only flipped y/n the bird, going back to the others in the group. y/n returned his attention back to jongho, but the younger was already headed to the exit.

y/n stood up, jogging after jongho. right when the younger placed his hand on the knob, y/n gently pulled him by the shoulder, placing his back against the wall and his hands coming up on both sides to trap him. his head tilted forward as he lowered himself to jongho's line of sight.

"you can stay, why?"

jongho's heart was beating sporadically, holding his breath as he tried not to breathe too heavily. his eyes darted everywhere but y/n's and his hands clenched by his side.

y/n noticed how nervous he was, bringing his right hand to the back of jongho's neck, and gently squeezing.

"m-my friends are getting on my nerves right now."

y/n gave a small smile, moving his arm from off the wall and patting his shoulder, "come on, I'll make sure mine don't mess with you."


*sorry for the long wait on your requests babes! next ones out are royalty!hongjoong and seonghwa's idol crush crack :p

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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